Antitrust Claims

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Antitrust Claims

Antitrust Claims


In Capitalistic business environment the free hand of the market rules the entire industry. Major decisions in the corporate environment are the direct result of the supply and demand conditions of the market. The government only has a supervisory role in such a market, where it ensures that the businesses are run on the principles of fair and lawful practices. The dilemma arises, when there is a situation where a single company has great control over the entire industry. The power that this single organization holds is sufficient to influence all the other businesses. In such an environment, the question has to be asked whether the principles of a free market are upheld when one company holds a monopoly over the industry. The smaller businesses no longer have the freedom to compete, as there entrance in to the market is blocked by the monopolistic company. Due to this monopoly the real spirit of innovation is challenged, and the end customers are the real victims. The customers no longer have the choice to avail the best product in the market; they can only purchase the products offered by the monopolistic company. The very principles of a free market are challenged in these industries; where a single company becomes strong enough to control the entire market, and in doing so curtails the process of innovation and development.

Microsoft vs. Netscape

In the case of Microsoft vs. Netscape, similar monopolistic tendencies can be observed. It is a well known fact that Microsoft held majority of the global market share of the computer industry, in the given era. It had direct control over the entire industry, as majority of the software developers had no option other than producing software specifically designed for Microsoft operating systems. Since all other competitive brands lacked an adequate share ...
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