Anti-Social Behaviour

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Anti-Social Behaviour

Anti-Social Behaviour


Antisocial behaviour is behaviour lacking consideration for other people and may be detrimental to the community, as well as intentionally negligent. This behavior is the opposite of pro-social behavior that usually favors the adaptation of the individual to society. The laws of different countries are legal responses to antisocial behavior in terms of prevention or punishment.


Environmental Factors Important in Psychopathic Tendencies

Anti-social behaviour of some children could be due to their genetic makeup. To this result, a study by the Institute of Psychiatry at King's College has come. Research on twins suggests that children with early psychopathic tendencies, such as a lack of remorse these properties probably inherited from their parents. These young children also put rather an inherited anti-social behavior on the day. The researchers emphasize, however, that environmental factors also play an important role and can serve as a buffer. Antisocial behavior in children without psychopathic tendencies is probably mainly due to environmental factors. The results of the study were published in the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry.

Social actions represent the wide range of behaviors that articulate and define the area of ??freedom of the individual in different social contexts. The social behavior, in fact, arises from simple interactions between individuals, groups, organizations, institutions and social systems.

Social action is directed to others and other-oriented, through education, legal system, beliefs, culture, family and group. Indeed, understood in these terms, it is called "social constructivism," referring to the complex process of identity construction and the social role of the person. Personality is thus the result of a process of co-construction of developmental experiences, personal and social individual, in a field that includes the environment and relationships. In this sense, it redefines social behaviors, which have as their object of interest in the interrelationship between the individual and society, in terms of mutual exchange between organism and environment.

The factors involved in the structuring of the personality so moral and social development are many, and are studded with the system of values, norms, role expectations, which, through a process of negotiation, are taken by the individual in a more or less unconscious and it regulate behavior in the different contexts in which it is located.

The acceptance and internalization of norms involved a series of educational reinforcements, received in time, aimed at adherence to compliance, institutional mechanisms are oriented to compliance with the rules in a system of "reciprocal determinism", in order to define the act actively in the world in its main forms: social vs. antisocial.

The need today is to look at the phenomenon with theoretical approaches that favor the probabilistic approach, to the all-encompassing, more able to grasp its transience. The old positivist model is finally overcome by new theoretical concepts in science that are developing and spreading and are able to provide possible turning point in the search for solutions to problems such as delinquency and anti-sociality.

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