Anti-Social Behaviour

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The Influence of the Family in the Development of Anti-Social Behaviour

The Influence of the Family in the Development of Anti-Social Behaviour


Within the scope of anti-social behaviour includes a wide range of activities such as lying, theft, vandalism, aggressive acts, arson, and truancy. The common factor that binds to these behaviours, apparently so different is that all involve a violation of important social rules and expectations, and in many cases reflect actions against the individual's environment.

We used various terms to refer to antisocial behaviour, and at the same time, there are several terms related to the same, why it is important to clarify from the outset, the concept of antisocial behaviour. Thus, the term "antisocial behaviour" is used in reference to "any behaviour and the reflexes to violate social rules and / or action against others". Afterwards we deepen in this term, and review other concepts and issues close to antisocial behaviour.

The study of antisocial behaviour can be carried out in different contexts: school, social, family... but in this case, the focus will be anti-social behaviour in the family, being an optimal context for approach to this phenomenon. This does not imply failure to consider other areas where antisocial behaviour is developed and its implications.

Are analysis perspectives provided by the examination of antisocial behaviour in the family: aetiology and risk factors, prevention, intervention and treatment to throughout this worked or will review the possibilities offered by these different perspectives and the advances that have occurred in knowledge and understanding of them (Alexander, 1973: 233-231).

Antisocial Behaviour: Concept and Features

The definition of antisocial behaviour indicates that it is conduct that involves the violation of social norms and / or rights of others. However, this definition is broad, as it does not refer to a clearly defined set of behaviours. Researchers indicate that consideration of such antisocial behaviour may depend on judgments about the severity of his departure from the norm, the child's age and his class.

Therefore, in order to clarify the identification of this behaviour are used as criteria the frequency of this type of behaviour, and its intensity. Moreover, as argued by researchers that take into account other features such as repetition of these behaviours, and its magnitude.

Understanding the concept of antisocial behaviour also stems from its difference from other similar concepts such as conduct disorder and delinquency. The first of these terms refers to cases in which children and / or show a pattern of adolescent antisocial behaviour, or when there is a significant deterioration in home or school, or when the behaviours are considered uncontrollable by relatives or friends. It is necessary to emphasize the importance that the concept of antisocial behaviour in itself is the lack of a pattern of antisocial behaviour, as the DSM-IV is crimped importance when defining the term conduct disorder indicated the existence of this pattern for this case (McCord, 1992: 223-245).

In summary, the term conduct disorder will be reserved for "antisocial behaviour significant and exceeds the normal operating ...
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