Antisocial Behavior, Aggression, And Violence

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Antisocial Behavior, Aggression, And Violence

Antisocial Behavior, Aggression, And Violence


A particular genetic behavior possess by an individual can make a person more prone towards the aggression, violence and antisocial behavior. There have been lots of changes taking place in the human evolution era like; the agriculture largely dominates the access of people to food. Similarly, the progress of culture is enabling people to rely essentially on others for food, shelter and clothing instead having it for themselves. The technology is also changed on a broad pace to provide people with all the advancements that are developed. In spite of all these revolutionary changes, violence and aggression in the human nature remains same. It is one of the important topics in the modern society which stay to be the human life's ubiquitous part.


Differences Of Antisocial Behavior, Aggression, And Violence

Antisocial Behavior

Antisocial behaviors are those behaviors in which there is a lack of consideration in respect of others. In an intentional way or because of negligence, these behaviors can cause damage to the society. It generally refers to actions of any kind in which the cultural or personal standards related to appropriate behaviors are violated (DeWall & Anderson, 2011). There is often aggression and violence involved in the antisocial behaviors.

These behaviors are disruptive acts they have covert and overt hostility characteristics and aggression that is intentional toward others. In order to understand the term in a clear sense, antisocial behaviors are the unwanted behaviors that arise because of the personality disorder results. These behaviors are considered to be the opposite of pro-social behaviors. There are three main factors in which the anti-social behaviors are divided. These factors include:

Malicious or interpersonal antisocial behaviors

Antisocial behaviors related to environment

antisocial behavior that restricts the public spaces access and

Disrespect regarding the personal or community well-being (Millie, 2008).

In the antisocial behaviors disorder, there are the basic characteristic patterns of delinquent, criminal and irresponsible behaviors. These behaviors initially start in childhood, and they keep going on till adulthood. In youths, these behaviors are referred either to as the crime or delinquency. According to the findings of Millie, the anti-social behavior in teenage mainly covers the multitude of sins including the habit of robbery, burglary, fraud, theft, violence, drug and vandalism.

At times, these individuals of teenage commit conflicts with their parents because they start having heavy drinking, gambling and smoking, bullying, reckless driving and sexual promiscuity. However, antisocial behavior causes distress, alarm or harassment. For solving such critical problems of this behavior, the relevant authorities' intervention is required whereas; the punishment and prosecution of criminals can be inappropriate (Millie, et al., 2005).


Aggression is a kind of behavior in which the immediate or proximal intention for inflict harms towards another person is the primary motivation (DeWall & Anderson, 2011). In other words, the human aggression is a behavior trait being performed by an individual i.e., the aggressor having all the intentions to harm another person i.e., the victim. Harm being placed to the victim can ...
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