Anti Social Behaviour

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Anti Social Behaviour Order

[Name of Student]

Anti Social Behaviour Order


Anti-social behaviour disorder is common in children, especially in boys of age between 5 to 15 years. This disorder results in poor educational performances and the child if often found involved in drugs misuse and criminal activities. Anti Social Behaviour Order is a civil order. It is a preventive order that restricts and prevents people, with anti social behaviour disorder, from getting involved in activities that could cause harm to someone. ASBO is designed to be preventive. It convicts the defendant of the offense he has made to harm others.

According to the provided case study Berry Evans, age 15, suffers from the disorder. He has an aggressive attitude towards his family members and neighbours. He has been found in the company of adult boys who have a criminal background. Jones, neighbour of Evans family, placed a complaint against Berry for creating noise nuisance at his home after 11 pm. This behaviour of his has been causing a lot of harm to the neighbours. Using the case study as reference the role of anti social behaviour order will be observed that is used to restrict activities that can cause harm to neighbours and other members of the community.


Grounds to apply ASBO There are different types of activities that could result in the issuance of ASBO by the local authorities. The main reasons that contribute to the application of ASBO are causing noise nuisance that disturb the neighbour, fouling the streets with trash and litter, abusive behaviour and language, involvement in drinking and drug misuse underage, excessive noise especially late at night (Home Office, 2011, p.7).

Barry has been found in the company of boys with criminal background, and litters the garden with alcohol bottles and trash. He parties at his place late at night and uses loud music that disturbs the neighbour. The excessive noise has become the cause of noise nuisance in the neighbourhood. Under such circumstance when the behaviour of a person and his activities are causing harm in the neighbourhood, ASBO can be applied by the neighbours.

Conditions for ASBO application

There are certain conditions that decide whether ASBO is applicable or not. The conditions are that the harassment or misconduct has been committed after the sanction of the law in April 1999. Another element that ascertains the application of law is that the misconduct or harassment committed by ...
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