Anti-Smoking Program In Adolescent

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Anti-Smoking Program in Adolescent


My SLP selected topic is “Anti-smoking program in adolescent”. Florida for a long time has been associated with a pandemic with smoking among the youth across the United States. In Florida there is a program known as Student Working against Tobacco (SWAT). The mission of SWAT is to mobilize, educate and equip Florida youth to revolt against and de-glamorize the use of tobacco. It is a united movement of empowered youth working toward a tobacco-free future. Members will shape tobacco-free norms making tobacco less desirable, less acceptable and less accessible. Smoking is more of a social phenomenon than a scientific phenomenon that can be medicated or educated away.


The parts my evaluation will involve are the evaluation method which includes the qualitative evaluation methods. The final instrument will be administered to the selected participants following a simple random selection. In the continues phase the evaluator will be able to review the public opinions gathered through the surveys, the emphasis will be on different groups for a comparative study to determine the public preferences on the library trends.. Review of this data will aid the evaluator to conclude both the strength and limitation of the method which has been used.

Role of Stake Holder in Evaluation

Stakeholders involved in my evaluation for similar type of program will include the employers particularly the members from senior management, line managers, the staff from the occupational health sector like General practitioners, primary care physicians. The role the stakeholders played should be immediately put forward to appraise the results and results of the event, intercession, practices of policy, innovation and services and hence can be virtually applied to any other program, not only limited to the education or health related services. The evaluation of a program is also concerning as to “how” and “why” a program will work.

The genetic counselor plays the role of providing the necessary education to the patients, the community and health care workers as well as the health care professionals


The antismoking program basically focuses on the youngsters who smoke just to get fit into the social circle, thinking smoking is cool. Usually smoking paves the way for future drug abuse in these youngsters and individuals who smoke are more likely to get involved in drug consumption compared with individuals who don't smoke. The basic consideration is to exert control over social determinants that can discourage the consumers from smoking. There are ...