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Answer 1

Computer education has become a prerequisite in our modern day life. Computers and Information Technology have just revolutionize the education system nationally so internationally. Computer knowledge is not only entered the household but also have invaded the sphere of education. In this age of technological advancement, scientific recognition and multimedia computer literacy have become a must for both the old and the young generation.

Computer education is most suitable to ask to become competitive in the labor field and make a distinct mark in a career. Realizing the importance of computer education in modern day life, the computer studies have become a compulsory part at the school level. During the year a plethora of institutions all over the world offers single and Masters Degree in computer education have to be established.

While computer engineering include Computer Science member Information Technology and Electrical Engineering or computer processing to study computer hardware and software application and other computer based information system.

To chose computer as a career, is a very demanding and exciting profession. It is challenging because it must study continually to maintain and exciting because we are always on the forefront of arts and sciences. Computer studying is an important career in the computer industry today. The number of computer students and bachelors is rising and will continue to grow in coming years. Although it is growing significantly, the number of computer literate bachelors and professions today is increasing slower than the number of some other professional specialists.

To become a computer professional, a bachelor's degree in specified field is usually required. Sometimes a 2 year or associates degree and certificate are also accepted. Classes such as computer science, math, computer information systems, and accounting are commonly taken. Basic computer knowledge is needed and a professional must be certified in a computer studies.

Answer 2

Within the small business, there can be many other factors other than funds to lead the business towards the failure. There are many challenges to owning a small business. Therefore, small business owners must plan for success and follow the plan in order to overcome these challenges. There are some of the reasons of failure that the small businesses may face:

Lack of Well Planning

Sometimes small business fails even it has enough cash flow but without well planned of financial planning. In addition, some external environment could influence small business cost which entrepreneurs or owners have little ...
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