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Answer 1

The U.S. Army's Acquisition boss said connection technologies slated to area in the next some years, such as junction Tactical wireless Systems (JTRS) and Warfighter data mesh - Tactical (WIN-T), could prove to be crucial assets in the ongoing war in Afghanistan -- speaking to an assembly of commerce and infantry professionals on Jan. 14 at the ninth annual "Army IT Day" put on by the equipped Forces Communications and Electronics Association of Northern Virginia. Satellite connection has been a crucial part of the United States military all through the space age, starting in 1946, when the armed detachment accomplished radar communicate with the moon. In 1954, the Navy started communications trials utilising the moon as a reflector, and by 1959, it had established an operational connection link between Hawaii and Washington, D.C.

As the U.S. sstride program increased in the 1960s, the Department of Defense (DOD) began evolving satellite communication systems that would address the special obligations of infantry operations. In supplement to protection against jamming, these needs encompassed the flexibility to quickly continue service to new districts of the globe and to reallocate system capability as needed (U.S. Department of Commerce, 1997).

The aim of these schemes has been to supply communications between, and to provide data to, infantry flats in situations where terrestrial means of connection are unrealistic, unreliable, or unavailable. This aim was partially recognized with the soonest DOD communication satellites, and as satellite and communications technology has improved, the goal has been realized to a much larger extent.

Answer 2

The adversaries of space weapons on mechanical or budgetary grounds are not supporting space tools for fighting in the happening their current assumptions or investigates are cleared aside. Because a thing can be done does not signify it ought to be. Of course, prescience is imperfect. Technologies will be found that were not or could not be foretold, and the foolish policymaker eschews acclimatizing to it until its utility is after a doubt. Indeed, it is concern for the unanticipated arrival of technology X that primarily motivates my own fondness for a policy supporting immediate deployment of space weapons. So long as America is the state most expected to come by a innovation expertise in this locality, my anxiety is restricted to the difficulty of letting expertise take us where it will. But what if an foe of popular liberalism should suddenly come by the means to location rapidly and cheaply multiple weapons into orbit? The benefits gained from commanding the high ground of space would accrue to it as certainly as to any liberal state, and the concomitant loss of infantry power from the renunciation of space to our already-dependent infantry force could cause the immediate demise of the extant worldwide system. The longer the US dithers on its responsibilities, the more likely a promise opponent could seize low-earth orbit before America could respond (U.S. Department of Commerce, 2004).

Answer 3

For most of the world, information technology now plays an enormous role ...
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