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Answer the questions

Answer the Questions

Answer one

My organization is currently in the housing sector of the country, and is in the business of building houses.

Answer two

The mission of my organization is to provide safe and secure houses to every person in the society, and make sure that every person has a chance to live in his own home, and ensure that he lives a secure life. I am working in the organization as a benefits officer and I work to ensure that every person in the organization gets his requisite benefits and works in the best interest of the organization.

Answer Three

The main goal of my organization is to provide proper housing facilities to people in the society, and guide them in the process. My organization does pretty much the same work as other organizations in the same field, and guide people in the process of acquiring their houses.

Answer four

According to rules and regulations of my organization, I have to provide information and advice clients of the company regarding every aspect of housing and benefits on council tax.

Then as a support benefit officer, I have to support the benefits officer in processing claims of different client, and give response to different queries of clients.

Answer five

One of the values of my organization is that we should remain sensitive to needs of our society, and would not take any steps that would hurt our society in any way. To put them into practise, I make sure that whatever I do in my job would not hurt the environment in any way, i.e. by providing correct and accurate information regarding every aspect. Another value of my organization is to make sure that we serve our customers in the best possible way, for that purpose I keep myself updated with all the information regarding tax benefits to the council, so that I can guide customers of the company in the best possible way.

Answer six

My main job responsibility is to affirm the information, evaluate, and manage benefits of housing and council tax in conformity with the legislation, laws, and policies of the Council. My main role is to support the benefit support officer in his work.

Answer seven

The UK law has given coverage to a number of aspects of employment, which covers things like minimal wage, total work hours, favouritism, safety, health, entitlement for holiday, dismissal, redundancy, training, procedures for maintaining discipline, and rights of the union. The labour law has given coverage to the contract between the employer and employees.

Answer eight

To seek guidance for work related procedures, etc I can seek guidance from my immediate reporting authority i.e. Benefits support officer.

Answer nine

Legislation is very important to ensure justice for both parties. Proper legislation ensures that the employer would not have a chance to exploit employees, and employees would have to make sure that they fulfil all their duties for their ...
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