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Answer the Question

Q1. List some examples of environmental factors that can influence the occurrence and spread of disease.

There are several environmental factors that affect and influence the occurrence of disease and help the diseases to spread. Some of the factors listed are below, these are

Water supply

Sanitation facilities



Inadequate supply of water, deficiency of pure and safe water, disposal of waste products, stagnation of water in areas, poor hygienic conditions and living conditions, could lead to possible diseases to spread. Stagnant water can produce mosquitoes and other bacteria. Similarly, climate can spread the diseases in many ways. Climate can effect, and can increase the distribution, and populations of the disease, it totally depended on the local climate. After effects of rain could possibly results in floods that can cause sewage overflow on the pathways and could also lead to extensive water adulteration. Diseases can spread from wind, as well. It can spread the pathogen from on territory to another (Wilson, 2006).

Q2. Discuss the most frequently occurring health problems of elders.

The most frequently occurring health problems that could be commonly observed in elders who predominantly cross the verge of 65 years are:

Eye problem

People commonly suffer from the problems related to vision; they may suffer from blur vision, which known as “Cataract”. It mainly caused by the arrival of a white coverage on eye lens.

Hearing Problem

Deficiency in hearing is another major problem that most of the elder people undergo. People take the assistance of hearing aids, since they need to communicate on a daily basis.


Osteoporosis is a serious health problem, normally occur in females. It is the point where the bones became very fragile due to the compact bone mass. It can result in vulnerability to bone fractures. It is mostly due to reason to deficiency of calcium in the body (Eyler, 2007). One of the types of osteoporosis is the joint pain that is also very normal in older people. The systems might observe in the form of swelling and pain of joints or stiffness.


Another serious problem is of sleeping, people mostly in old age complain, that they are unable to take sufficient sleep at night. As, a result of which they get addicted to drugs such as sleeping pills to overcome this situation and get unnatural sleep. It can often result in a death of a person (Sherman, 2008). Some other health problems are: “Heart conditions (hypertension, vascular disease, congestive heart failure, high-blood pressure and coronary artery disease), Dementia, including Alzheimer's disease, Depression, Incontinence (urine and stool), Arthritis, Diabetes, Breathing problems, Frequent falls, which can lead to fractures, Parkinson's disease, Cancer.”

Q-3.Define complementary and alternative medicine and give a few examples of each.

Alternative medicine defined as any healing practice which lies apart from the empire of any conventional medicine. It may be based on the historic traditions. It is a large group of diagnosis, treatments, dialysis, preventions entirely based on philosophies, beliefs, viewpoints and procedures of the medical practices used in non-western cultures and traditions ...
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