Annotated Outline

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Annotated Outline



Effectiveness of community corrections programs and policies3

Evaluate contemporary programs and policies of community corrections3

Design strategies to resolve issues affecting community corrections4

Apply strategies to increase the efficacy of a local state's program of community corrections4



Annotated Outline


The main points of this outline revolve around the paper for the current and historical issues revolving around the issue of community correction. The annotated outline focuses on how the paper will be drafted and which heads will be included in it. The challenge for community correction is selected as women community corrections programs. The aim of the paper is to examine the accessibility of the women community correction program. The paper also recommends relevant strategies to be implemented at the local and state level. Women, being a minority in the total population are an increasing number in the prison population. It also affects the damaging effect on the children. The women are required to be sentenced to the community corrections. Mainly women are admitted for the parole violations and the technical violations (Goodenough, 2006).


The following heads will be discussed in the Strategies for Community Corrections paper. Research suggests that correctional facilities programming and planning has seen drastic changes in the past several years. The main reason behind these changes is the continuous growth of the prison population at a rapid rate, concerns and issues with regards to providing community and general public with a safe environment and also reduction n the cost of incarceration due to increased population. Though many experts do not believe in the concept of confinement and correctional programs but the ideology remains successful among many due to the latest development and changes in the program (Logan, 2002). There has been a lot of focus on the changes in the traits of the inmates, issues of inmates involved in crime, services with legal mandate and steps for reducing the overall cost of correctional programming.

Effectiveness of community corrections programs and policies

This section is important because if the community correction programs and policies are effective then recidivism rate is reduced and the offenders are repeated probably. The taxpayers are saved a considerable amount of money which can be invested on other areas for improvement. The correctional policy is effective for the exploration of the application, content, and propriety of anger management programs and conclusion of anger management merit studies as effective for the educational tool for violence prevention. The community corrections facility ...
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