Business management system comprises of the management of the various processes within an organization and it is individualistic to each organization. Different organizations may adopt different management style to manage the systems. The entry into the new century and the changing landscape of the market, coupled with the emergence and development of information and communication technologies (ICTs) has made the companies have to cope in an increasingly more complex.
The role involves taking managerial ability to lead people, a special gift to be recognized and followed by subordinates; certainly this requires professional technical and other aspects spontaneous managers to as indicated below:
Ability to make decisions
Imagination honesty, initiative and intelligence
Ability to supervise, control and lead
Ability to view activity ahead
Ability to arouse enthusiasm
Ability to develop new ideas
Willingness to take responsibility and run risks
Ability to work
Ability to identify opportunities and generate new business
Ability to understand others and manage conflicts
Fairness and firmness
Ability to adapt to change
Desire to excel
Ability marketing technique to promote the company products
Capacity for analysis and troubleshooting
Patience to listen
Ability to relate
Judge, T. A., Bono, J. E., Ilies, R., & Gerhardt, M. W. (2002), Personality and leadership: A qualitative and quantitative review. Journal of Applied Psychology, 87(4), 765-780.
Gerhardt set out the study the Leadership is the process by which an individual has influence over people and inspires, motivates and directs its activities to reach the goals; the essence of leadership is to have followers. Within the process there are several principles Administration (Management) harmony of goals, motivation, leadership, and communication. Leadership varies from country to country and culture, for European managers is more humanistic than the Japanese or Americans. In Japan there is a collective culture and focuses more on the group in the individual and are more individualist in Europe, the United States, the organisation is fast and in Japan. Power of leader is the ability to induce or influence the beliefs or actions of other individuals or groups. Authority is a right in a position to make decisions. Formal authority is a type of power based on the recognition of legitimacy. Components of Leadership are ability to use power effectively and responsibly. Ability to understand that human beings have different motivational forces at different times, ability to inspire, ability to act in a way to develop an environment conducive to responding to the motivations and encouraged.
People spend most of their time trying to plan how they will develop their activities, planning how they will achieve their goals and other less important, and sometimes spend more time trying to organize his time, but there are also people methods that achieve organize their time so they achieve their objectives and develop effectively. To keep a good control of time and good time management must be clear about where you want to go, hence the importance of addressing a vision, mission, goals and recognize some real strengths and some ...