Annotated Bibliography

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Annotated Bibliography

Annotated Bibliography


The essay consist of three peer reviewed articles that are not similar in the subject areas. The annotated bibliography that is assembled within the essay can provide an insight on the subjects and issues regarding the articles are written. The first article will provide an understanding of the functions of the department of homeland security and issues and criticism related with it. The second article is a detailed research on dating violence and psychological symptoms associated with it such as anxiety and depression particularly. The third bibliographical review is an assessment of the criminal justice system and its affiliation with the social justice. It is analyzed over two important theories of social justice launched by John Pawls and David Miller.

Peter J, (2011), Constructing Homeland Security: An Anemic Policy Regime, Policy Studies Journal 39.2, retrieved from:

The strength of homeland security policy regime is addressed in the research which analyses the construction of the department after the September 2001 attacks. The concept of homeland security was created on several order by the President for the development of a strong combat and prevention strategy that can assist and identify the United States from further attacks. The regime was addressing key challenges related to terrorism which was a priority. The regime reassigned various tasks and involved multiple forces that are committed to reassure the threats are taken are eliminated seriously. In order to analyze the strengths of DHS, the research studied a number of considerations related to the institutions, ideas and interests connected with the ideology of this department. The various strengths and interest of the department include research experts, integration with other departments, regional and investigative purposes that help the DHS combat modern risks and threats. The discussion within the paper evaluate the competence of the Security Agency but it ...
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