Annotated Bibliography

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Annotated Bibliography

Annotated Bibliography


Studies and scholarly article documenting the successes of programs related to 'jail diversion', which has been a major concern for most individual involved in the practical activities of law and criminology, have been discussed in this annotated bibliography.

Diversion programs are a kind of sentence given by criminal justice system, these programs are usually handled by the court, DO office, the police department or external agencies that have been created to ensure that criminal law offenders are able to avert a criminal record from the criminal charges put forth (on them). Jail diversion programs are those types of diversion programs that divert offenders, diagnosed with serious mental illnesses or substance abuse disorders, from going to prison in addition to the provision of links for support services as well as treatment that is community based. In this way the offenders are able to steer clear of being arrested or (if arrested) are able to spend a considerably small period in the prison or lockup based on the charges or even violation charges during probation period (based on old charges).

The bibliography offers great attention towards the scholarly materials produced in relation to diversion programs between the years 1982-2011. The works focused in this research paper have been organized systematically in an alphabetical order based on the names of the authors. The citation and presentation format followed by this research paper is of the APA (American Psychological Association) 6th edition.


(Jimmy), L. B. (2010). Louisiana's justice reinvestment strategy. Corrections Today, Volume 72 (No. 1), Page Range 6-10.

The Author James le Blanc (also known as Jimmy), is the secretary (at the time of the article's creation) of Louisiana Department of Public Safety and Correction, the article talks about a legislation passed in Louisiana which in effect allows for house arrest under a sentence of incarceration and allows for the diversion of violators, who have violated probation conditions, towards the intensive motivational program - a boot camp style program for correctional treatment of the violators. The first step towards this motive was to create two facilities, one for men and the other for women. The security officers were replaced with security cameras. They even involved rehabilitated violators to work as 'peer educators' as a voluntary service. The Safety and corrections department of Louisiana has put in all of its efforts to minimize the risk to public safety and implement justice reinvestment with the aim to produce an overall safer community.

The study provides insights into the jail diversion program initiated by the Department of Safety and Corrections in Louisiana, to correct the individuals rather than just simply punish them for the violations or crimes. It provides the reader with great insight into the measures taken by Louisiana correctional agencies while pursuing the concept of diversion as well as justice reinvestment.

Abramsky, S. (2008), A worthy diversion. The American Prospect, Volume 19, page range A9-A11.

The author, Sasha Abramsky is the author of three books comprising of the most recently written - American Furies. She was also a senior fellow at Demos ...
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