Annotated Bibliography

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Annotated Bibliography

Annotated Bibliography

Hallikainen, P., Laukkanen, S., & Sarpola, S. (2004). Reasons for ERP Acquisition. ICEIS (1), pp. 518-521. Retrieved from

In this paper, the authors have mentioned about different organizations could use Enterprise Resource Planning Systems in order to make their work effective and extremely efficient. Moreover, the central aim of the paper is to help in understanding how acquiring the Enterprise Resource Planning of another firm could play its role in the success of any organization. This has been explained by the author with the help of different concepts including chances of profitability increment, cost reduction, ready to go systems and well developed working projects etcetera.

This paper also distributes the reasons for acquisition of Enterprise Resource Planning systems into two sets of specialities including technological advantages and advantages related to the business in which the organization is operating.

Truex, D. P., & Ngwenyama, O. K. (2000, January). ERP Systems: Facilitating or Confounding Factors in Corporate Telecommunications Mergers. ECIS, pp. 645-651. Retrieved from

This research paper focuses on how different organizations cope up with the merging of their Enterprise Resource Planning systems whenever they decide to merge their operations or brand together. Moreover, in this paper there has been specific mentioning about the impact of such mergers on each and every level of the organizational hierarchy ranging from the top management to the people working at the bottom layer of the organizational structure. The authors have also mentioned about how the different factors which act as catalysts or barriers in the implementation of such Enterprise Resource Planning mergers within different organizations. Although majority of the mentioned factors are related to the industry of telecommunication, but they also apply to the general mergers which take place between organizations belonging to any industry.

Johnson, R. (2003). Consolidated Order Management-ERP Alone Doesnt Deliver. AMR Research, Report. Retrieved from

In this paper, Johnson mentions about how Enterprise Resource Planning plays its role in merging the different functions taking place within the organization. However, more importantly the paper provides information regarding how Enterprise Resource Planning cannot merely act as the sole factor which could take organization to the boundaries of success; but organizations also need an alignment between the different departments working together. As a result of such alignment within departments along with the application of Enterprise Resource Planning systems; the organizations would gain access to unlimited potentiality and chances of success.

The authors also highlight about how organizations using Enterprise Resource Planning systems without having a basic understanding within departments fail to succeed in real life because technology alone could not cater to team working or management gaps existing within any organization.

Koch, C. (2005). Users? What users?-Shaping global corporations and generic users with ERP. UITQ, 43. Retrieved from

This paper is about how Enterprise Resource Planning systems help organizations in developing a link between their global divisions and helping users from all over the world in coming to a single point of connection to work from virtual networks. The author explains that as a result of the correct implementation ...
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