Annotated Bibliography

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Annotated Bibliography

Annotated Bibliography

Trevino, L. K., & Weaver, G. G. R. (2003). Managing ethics in business organizations: social scientific perspective. Stanford University Press.


This book talks about how management of the ethical dilemmas can be done in business and it also talks about the social and scientific contexts that are related to it. Unlike some of the other research that has been done on business ethics, this book carried out empirical research and constructs a valid argument that how sometimes business overrule ethics when they carry their business activities.


Trevino has stated in this book that sometimes, the definition and even the rational of the business ethics is no really clear, so that allows some of the business this leverage and advantage that they can carry out their business as per their will.


Another thing that is pretty much unique in this book and has given my research a sense of validity that they have presented some qualitative facts about the way ethical organization and business must perform as well as it has laid out some means and tool through which different organizations can be measured the way they apply ethics to their business activities.

Velasquez, M. G., & Velazquez, M. (2002). Business ethics: Concepts and cases (5th ed., p. 528). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.


This article shows that how sometimes ethical dilemmas and situations are created out of sheer necessity rather than act of deliberate on the part of the business. This article emphasizes that most of the times; ethical dilemmas are created by conflicts of interest that prevail in the business. It is highly likely that personal preferences of all the stakeholders of the business will be same.


The employees and people who are on the operational side of the business have to carry out the task and obligation that is being given to them. These tasks might be overruling some of the basics of the ethics as well as creating a very difficult situation for the people that are part of the organization. This is one of the more common instances where there is conflict of interest. It is also discussed in the article whenever there is an ethical dilemma due to this conflict of interest, how the situations can be dealt tactfully on the part of the individual to make sure that there is some damage control.


This article helped a lot in the research as it gave an insight about why business might not deliberately cross the line.

Solomon, R. C. (2009). Victims of circumstances? A defense of virtue ethics in business. Business Ethics Quarterly, 13(1), 43-62.


This article presents a more balance point of view about how business are needed to be conducted as well as dismissing this idea that business are there to exploit. It discusses that how some of the businesses are driven to unethical activities. It discusses that sometimes out of necessary and sometimes due to the way markets forces are shaped up, business have to make some decision that is not ethical ...
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