Annotated Bibliography

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Annotated Bibliography

Teaching rationally diverse student

Gurin, P (2003). The Benefits of Diversity in Education for Democratic Citizenship. Journal of Social Issues

This paper discusses that in the beginning it was considered that African American and White children should be desegregated, however, it was later recognized that integration in the studies of diverse groups was integration. The benefits of education in diversity depend on curricular and non-curricular activities which are faced in the institutions. Positive benefits of diversity teaching were many according to the studies that were conducted. There are legal concerns as well which have attracted educational value of racial and ethnic diversity which has gained controversies in the past (Linda, 2001). It is argued by some that educational role in diversity is varied in different campuses which have different racial backgrounds. This is seen as directly improving and benefiting in the education. The benefits are only obtained when there is equality in status, existence of common goals and interaction between two environments. The role of the educators is that they should create an environment which is racially integrated and goes far beyond simply keeping diverse students together in the same classroom. In 2001, Orefield summarized the education level from kindergarten to 12 which suggested that there arestrong evidence of instructional methods of both academic and human relations that benefit in interracial school system.

Schools Boards Association.(2012). Diversity in Education.Module 10.

It is seen in the research that the administrations play a major role in inclusion and the methods applied are the root causes for success and failure of the inclusive education. The attitude of the administrator influences the attitudes of others which create a climate of acceptance and rejection. The main duties of administrator are making a commitment to inclusive education where it is reflected in everything that the company does like policy and actions. The inclusion should be ongoing and planned as this way fear and prejudices can be removed easily( John, 2001). Further, the teachers should be planned in making informed decisions and must feel that they have opportunity to voice their decisions. Further, there should be a platform where they can voice their concerns and discuss options with them. The right support methodology should be used all around the institution so that everyone feels they are being heard.

John, L. (2007). A Multicultural Perspective.Department of Psychology Education.

A positive attitude towards a multicultural organization will only be possible if there is acceptance and there is more than one right way of looking at the things. Also, there is focus on finding the commonalities between the different groups of individuals and the attitude is looking beyond their differences (Harry, 2002). These ways can be taught at campuses from a very young age in order to increase awareness and narrowing the differences gap between the many individuals studying together. A teacher plays a major role where she acknowledges and recognizes the issue of racism and at the same time creates workable solutions to erase them completely from the society on the whole through their ...
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