Annotated Bibliography

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Annotated Bibliography

Annotated Bibliography

Anthony, L. (2003) Risky business: Marijuana use higher among teens who report other risky behaviors: StatsCan. Peterborough Examiner, pp. 6-A6.

This is a scholarly article that examines how a large percentage of teenagers develop a tendency to indulge in taking risks with their health as they are growing up. The article also cites how, in majority of cases, these children end up being heavily addicted to harmful drugs like marijuana. The article also highlights some of the major health hazards associated with marijuana addiction and explains how long-term exposure to the drug can prove to be extremely detrimental towards the physical, mental and psychological health of the children. Major social impacta of drug addiction in children are also discussed briefly. The article is relevant to the discussed topic as it highlights some of the major adverse effects of marijuana addiction in children.

Andruscavage, F. (2012, Jan 15). Study: Marijuana use among teens rises for 4th straight year. McClatchy - Tribune Business News, pp. n/a.

Published in the year 2012, this scholarly article explains by citing various sources how cases of child addiction to marijuana have increased drastically in the last four years. With the help of secondary research, the research study is able to identify the change in trends of marijuana addiction among children. In addition to this, the report also investigates and establishes some of the major reasons that cause children to develop a tendency towards smoking marijuana. The leading reasons cited by the author of the report are curiosity and excitement - two feelings that are amplified in children when they reach a certain age. Moreover, the report also identifies peer pressure to play a major role in persuading children as they try to imitate children of their age by acting cool. The report is important to the research paper as it establishes the primary causative factors that persuade children to take up marijuana addiction.

Jennifer, C. D. (2009, Dec 15). Health & wellness: Marijuana use rises among teens; cigarette smoking lowest since '75. Wall Street Journal, pp. 2-D.2.

This scholarly article cites a survey funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse. The article uses this survey to collect data from an excess of 47,000 students, an overwhelming majority of which are children from the 12th grade. The report also collects data from several 10th-graders to establish how the use of marijuana among children is more common now than three years ...
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