Annotated Bibliography

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Annotated bibliography

Annotated bibliography

Carolyn Crippen, (2010), Serve, Teach, and Lead: it is all about relationships, Volume 5, In Sight: A Journal of Scholarly Teaching

Once a person understands the responsibility of a teacher he becomes a leader in the classroom and school. The moral responsibility, as well as power, also increases as a result of this case. The preparation program of teachers should be well established in order to function effectively. They play a prominent role in providing moral literacy in schools. This paper will explain the philosophy of servant leadership and the ethical ways of servant leadership, which are accepted. Robert Greenleaf would explain this concept through Goodland's call for pre service teacher. It is effective in playing the role of spreading the common good of servant leadership. Servant leadership means knowing the needs of our customers and designing our business strategies, operations, marketing and management around them. Useful ways to consider our clients are thinking of them as our "leaders", to which we strive to support the achievement of its strategic objectives. Competitive environment highlights the characteristics to excel and be on top. These terms are repeated often, but an outstanding company should exercise a leadership style of service leadership. This paper is very helpful in evaluating the various aspects of teaching

Satinder Dhiman (2008), Enhancing Business Education: Bringing Ethics and Excellence to Classroom, Journal of Global Business Issues - Conference Edition

Business curriculum provides the set of courses which are essential to understand the business. It does not provide complete, standard model to acquire high sense of values which are possible to nurture emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is necessary to be acquired in business. The Millennials, which are considered, as traditional aged students is more concerned with life than money. They believe in achieving more through learning and practicing. They want the actual meaning of life and the role it plays in learning.

Character building is an important source of building life, and it can be only achieved we would be considered emotional intelligent. Emotional intelligence allows us to be aware of our emotions, understanding the feelings of others. It also teaches to tolerate the pressures and frustrations they endure at work, to emphasize our ability to work together and adopt an empathetic attitude and social that will give us a better chance of personal development. In a distinct and accessible language, this study presents a revolutionary theory that has shaken the classical concepts of psychology, which gave priority to the intellect. Character cannot be left for the chance as it helps us in leading our life peacefully. The vision as mentioned in the research based in educating and teaching youth through life.

This research provides a curriculum which brings mind and heart together. Ethics plays an important role in developing the personality of students. The author consulted various theoretical guides which include work of famous researchers, Herzberg, Maslow, McClelland, Patengale, and Ellis; Frankl, Covey, Palmer, and Senge; Gardener, Csikszentmihalyi, Seligman, DePree and Ray; Mayer, Salovey, Cooper, and Goleman; Copperrider, and ...
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