Animation Project

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Animation Project

Animation Project


Technology has come a long way since the time of black and white television sets, especially in the field in of animation. Animation has evolved from very simple drawings to the basic 2D movies such as The Lion King and Little Mermaid. The next stage of animation's evolution is a new, realistic, and exciting form of animation called 3D animation. An application known as computer graphic imagery or CGI has become an immense influence on the way 3D animation is produced today. CGI applies the concepts of 3D computer graphics to special effects. This application is used widely for visual effects because it allows not for only cheaper product, but also for a more realistic and higher quality product which is easier to control than the older methods of creating miniatures, drawings, or hiring extras. Without the use of CGI, many images would not be able to be produced using other technologies, and production would have to include expensive sets, actors, and props ("Computer-generated imagery").

With Forest of Evil Demdike Stare managed to reference minimal techno, dub, noir-ish soundscapes and the Radiophonic Workshop; yet with their ties to the Lancashire landscape, they also managed to make their sound ancient and telluric - there is age in this wax, age that reeks of the films of Michael Reeves, and the musty camp of Aleister Crowley. These three records were as much a work of psychic dredging and incantation as they were about sculpted beat science (Roddewig, 2004, Pp. 85).


Up to this point, Demdike Stare have been content to find the muck and then wallow in it. Their inky palpitations and drones menace like two glowing eyes peering out of the swamp. On "Collision", the first track from their upcoming Testpressing #001, the UK duo alter their approach, coaxing a terrifying serpent of whinnying noise and drum & bass bravado out of still water.

The track sounds different from the duo's previous work almost immediately: its high-pitched drones foregrounded and confrontational. The drums are big, nasty compressed things that bear few traces of the moldy, dubby percussion Demdike have preferred to date. That they spend nearly half of "Collision"'s runtime-- over four minutes-- before truly unleashing the assault that confirms this isn't a club track, since something dressed this grotesquely would never get through the door.

Equity Sensitivity

I am an equity sensitive person, when it comes to workplace equity. I believe that the employees grow with the growth of an organization. Rewards are an essential part for recognizing the efforts of the employees. If there is inequity in the rewards of an organization, it would create a sense of de-motivation among employees. Being a normal human being, I always expect that my every effort is duly recognized and rewarded.

In case there is a situation where my efforts are not duly recognized, I try to make my work prominent enough that I get the reward that I deserve. There are also situations when a fellow colleague is overly rewarded, this also bring a sense of inequity within ...
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