Animals In Research

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Animals in Research

Animals in Research


The purpose of this study is to expand the boundaries of our knowledge by exploring some relevant facts and figures relating to importance of using animals in research. Animal testing is one of the most controversial issue has raised some of the most heated and passionate aspects, as the implications that arise are not reduced to animalistic level, but extend to scientists, legislators, students, industry, public and media. It is very difficult to remain unmoved by what experimental protocols, as the great dilemma that arises is to what extent it is lawful, or scientifically and ethically acceptable to conduct experiments on animals? To what extent the analysis of the ratio of animal suffering, human benefit offsets or justifies certain experiments (Regan, 2004). In the next section, we will assess the importance of the use of animals in research. Then we will present an alternative point of view, from the animal rights perspective. We will also examine the use of technology in reducing Animal testing. Finally, we will present some safeguard activities to protect participants with the use of neuroimaging methods.

Discussion & Analysis

Importance of Using Animals in Research

Knowledge of laboratory animals, as an independent discipline, was separate only after World War II. For some time the term "laboratory animal" has the same meaning as "experimental animal", which, however, can mean any living being subjected to observation or used for experiments. These include animals from the wild and farm. However, the results of studies conducted on these animals show a large variation of the lack of repeatability, which reduces considerably the value of research.

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