Animal Testing

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Animal Testing

Animal Testing


The Scientists have done a lot of things to benefit the human beings. Most of the processes and methods they employed proved to be beneficial for the human beings. However, there are also certain methods which were regarded very unethical and immoral, one such method employed by the scientists was animal testing. The animal testing is the process employed by the researcher and the scientists in which they test the applicability of the drugs on the human beings before they final use them on the human beings.


Animal testing is widely used phenomenon and most of the tests are done on the animals in order to determine the validity of the medicines and to develop the new medicines (Abbott, 2005). Most of the test that are carried on the animals are very harmful and cause a lot of pain. In some cases these tests and experiments that are carried on the animals can also affect their quality of life. It is morally and ethically wrong to carry on such pain giving tests on the animals. The experimentation on the animal shave also given birth to several moral problems. Most of the animal experimenters are very much aware of these unethical problems involved in the animal testing and suggest that these inhumanly test must be made as humane as possible. They also argue that it is also unethical to carry out testing methods on the animals, if alternative methods are available which will produce the same results (Abbott, 2005). On animal testing us usually find two opposing views.

The proponents of the animal testing believe that it is justified as it will help of it many diseases can be cured in an effective manner. However, those who oppose animal testing argue that it is totally inhumane and also does not ...
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