Animal Farm

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Animal Farm


The history of farm animals is actually an allegory. It represents a historical fact, a revolution, and the corruption that causes power. However, to understand the situation of the book one has to locate in the old continent, at a time where ideas were strongly positioned. Moreover, the book highlights the revolution could be representing the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 (It is known that in the Russian Revolution, the first leader was Lenin, who wanted everyone to be equal. When Lenin died, Stalin and Trotsky fought for power. Stalin was a ruler bloodthirsty (Wieczynski, 23-41).

Orwell uses animals that represent human behavior: the sheep are just "sheep" do not think, just keep the dogs are vicious (but in fact this is false, right? But generally says "dog" of someone cruel), hard-working horses, etc. Thus, a language very simple, tells George Orwell as a fable, the years between 1917 and 1945 in the former Union. Thus, Trotsky, Stalin, Lenin have their place in history as pigs who run the farm (Wieczynski, 23-41).


This book, published during the 2nd World War was in its time many problems of criticism and censure, since at that time the Soviet Union was an ally of England and not wanted to create tensions between the governments or doubt among the population. Orwell belonged to the Communist Party, studied their doctrines and knew what was happening in Russia (as demonstrated later), while his colleagues denied the right and his critics, he persisted in his belief, that he wrote, though with a very different style. Orwell succeeds in all his decisions, his theories were certain over time and analogies made, correct (Danto, 33-36).

Snowball is the pig who wants the power. The character is bright, crazy, capable of the largest projects, undoubtedly, Snowball is Leon Trotsky, the creator of the Red Army almost nothing (as Snowball organizes a series of defensive measures that repulsed the attack of the farmers, is say, the White Russians supported by hostile powers of the Revolution) is unable to bring its weight to the staff of pigs and just running away from the farm (the USSR). From there, all the evils of Animal Farm is evil conspiracies achacarian to Snowball, and everyone who disagreed with Napoleon would be branded as supporters of Snowball who is Trotskyists (Hegedus, 528-30).

However, the revolution was a success and had plans for the future: learning to read study and build a ...
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