Animal Abuse

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Animal Abuse

Animal Abuse

The current age is witnessing crimes and abuse along with all the progress and prosperity. Whether it is human beings or animals, the rate of crimes and violent incidents has been increasing with each passing day. A huge number of states make distinguish between the failing in providing sufficient care to animals and knowingly or intentionally withholding sustenance.

This kind of “willful” neglect towards animals is known to be having severe and more serious outcomes, and they often result in the prosecutable offense. This paper will discuss the concept of animal abuse, its prevalence and solutions towards society.

Animal Abuse

Animals abuse, animal neglect or cruelty to animals, pertains to inflicting the harm or torture upon the animals, and this may not serve any purpose of survival or self defense. If this harm is narrowed down, then it may be specified and restricted to such events as killing animals in the context of their fur and food, though there exist different and varying opinions and perspectives when it comes to the method and techniques of slaughter. The concept of animal abuse generally entails imposing harm upon animals for the purpose of fulfilling zoo sadistic impulses or attaining personal amusement. The jurisdictions all over the world hold diverse opinions regarding the subject (Arluke, Arnold, 2004). The following charts provide a classification of the animal abuse in the United States:

Figure: US Animal Abuse Classification (2013) (

Besides harming them, the deprivation of animals of water, food and other medical care also constitutes the concept of animal cruelty. There exist signs of such harm that indicate the presence of animal abuse. The wounds on animal's bodies, starving or extremely thin animals, patches of missing hair, flea or tick festation, limping, and other elements such as striking or hitting animals depict the signs of animal abuse. In Canada and the United States, there have been reports that between 70 and 85 percent of the female were the victims of domestic violence; their pets were abused after they left their abusers. There is also a huge collection of animal abuse with the domestic violence and this threat of harming pets is utilized the victims in case they leave the abusers (Lea, Suzanne, 2007). There are even some abusers who compel their victims for participating in the animal abuse so that they can emotionally degrade and abuse the animals. In the reports published during the year 2010, ...
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