Andragogy - The Adult Learning

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Andragogy - The Adult Learning


Learning is the ongoing process of a life that takes place from a child's birth to an old aged man's death. Scholars say that a man can die but the education could never end. Likewise, scholars have distinguished learning in two broader aspects, namely the childhood learning and the adult learning. Adult learning is named as Andragogy. The following research has been conducted to evaluate the adult learning and its process, the part it plays and the concepts that are associated with it.






What is Andragogy?2

Characteristics of Andragogy2


Experience the Adult3

Rush to Learn3

Guidance for Learning3

Motivation to Learn4

Mechanism of Andragogy4

The Model of Andragogy5

The Participant Adult5

The Andragogue5


The Environment6

The Model Of Andragogy Includes Six Requirements7

Inventor of Word Andragogy7

Concepts of Andragogy13

Need to Know13








Andragogy - The Adult Learning


It is after World War II begins a serious discussion about learning and adult development. The term andragogy was used to distinguish between adult learning theory and learning theory teen, known as pedagogy. The term was made popular Malcolm Knowles in his classic work "The Modern Practice of Adult Education." The role of adult participant in the learning process is different and is projected to reach more than being a passive recipient, note taker, conformist, resigned or simple repetitive rote the lessons taught by an instructor, teacher or facilitator. Participation involves the critical analysis of the situations, through the provision of effective solutions. Andragogy as a continuum of excellence leads the final mission, to provide a better standard of personal and professional life of the student. “Thus, the following is the research paper on the broad topic of andragogy and its mechanism, along with the concepts of andragogy.



"Andragogy is the science and art, being part of the Anthropology and being immersed in lifelong learning is developed through a praxis based on the principles of participation and horizontality, which process, being oriented with synergistic properties of the Facilitator learning, helps increase thinking, self-management, quality of life and creativity of adult participant, in order to provide an opportunity to achieve self-realization.” This word is created from the Greek aner (Andros) meaning the "adult male" and Agogos meaning "lead, lead, raise".

It is necessary to find new ways to activate metacognition in adults and it's responsible. Andragogy is the discipline that deals with education and adult learning, as opposed to pedagogy that applies to the child's education. In a very brief could say "Andragogy is the adult, such as Child Education." The child is subjected to the system, the adult seeks knowledge for immediate application to enable it to yield in the shortest time, and there is a clear consciousness of seeking to be more competitive in the activity by that individual, especially if the learning process is sponsored by an organization that hopes to improve its competitive position by improving their job skills, understanding and skills to the knowledge, skills and attitudes aimed at superior performance in their work environment, including tasks, activities and responsibilities that contribute to achieving the key objectives ...
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