Ancient Chinese Contributions

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Ancient Chinese Contributions

Ancient Chinese Contributions


China is one of the most ancient civilizations and it has major contribution in the science, medicine and a number of different other fields. There are various inventions that are beneficial for the humanity and these served as the most beneficial for the mankind. Some of the great inventions and contributions of ancient Chinese civilization includes silk, porcelain, paper and green tea. According to Deng, there are a number of different inventions and contributions of ancient China for the humanity such as gunpowder, tea, printing, paper, compass, ceramic, porcelain, silk, herbal medication and acupuncture, alcohol, kite, and the Great Wall of China (Deng, 2011, p.1). All these inventions and contributions are the proof of great learning and skills of Chinese people.

Useful inventions or contributions


There are a number of different useful inventions and contribution of ancient China. One of the most important contrition is the invention of Silk. This is the most unusual discovery of silk thread from the silk warm. It was first discovered by “Xiling Shi, wife of the Yel low Emperor” (Shaughnessy, 2009, p.120). Later, it was begin as the cultivation and production of silk warms. Initially, silk was easily produced domestically from larvae cultivated at mulberry leaves, but soon with the popularity of silk it became commercial and industry and even exported to a number of other countries.

Invention of Paper

Another great invention of ancient Chinese civilization is invention of paper, before the paper; there were a number of different materials used for writing such as carvings on stone, clay tablets, leather, cloth and a number of different other objects. The paper was first presented to the emperor in 105 A.D., but it used in China at least 200 years earlier (Paul, 2005, p.28). The paper was considered as one of the greatest contribution for the civilization of the world. The paper further assisted in a number of different inventions such as raincoats, umbrella and kite (Paul, 2005, p.28).


After the invention of paper, another major contribution that complements paper was the printing technique by about 1000 AD (Paul, 2005, p.28). The printing and invention of ink not only assisted in development of proper tools for writing and recording history, but it also served as one of the most excellent technique used for the decoration of silk and other cloths as well as pottery.


Another important contribution of ancient ...
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