Anatomy Of A Family Law Case

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Anatomy of a Family Law Case


The purpose of this paper is to enlighten and explore family law in a holistic manner. The core objective of the paper is to discuss family law on the basis of findings from an interview with a client. The paper is based upon diverse contexts that are concerned with family law such as family, marriage, divorce and rights and benefits extracted from an ongoing family relationship. The paper strives to explore every legal aspect concerned with family and strives to discuss the findings extracted from interview.

Table of Contents





Rights and Benefits of Ongoing Family Relationships6

Divorce / End of Spousal Relationship6



Anatomy of a Family Law Case


The term family represents a group of people tied in a bond of love, affection and togetherness. The conceptions of family cannot only be applied to the blood relationships; nonetheless, family represents broader notion in which individual are tied together by the warmth of their relationship. Family law represents the legislations that are aimed to resolve the disagreement, conflicts and arguments between family members. The disputes between families are often resolved by the members themselves which is the optimal approach. However, in situation where the disputes cannot be resolved through family members' mutual consent family law is applicable. In addition, in certain situations such as domestic violence family law possess utmost importance as the legislations imposed through this law ensure the right of each and every member that constitutes a family (Israel, Lafave, 48-57).


This paper is constructed on the basis of an interview conducted with an individual whose name is not disclosed due to the reasons of confidentiality. The person was a divorced man living alone and allowed to visit his children twice a week. The reason for selecting this individual was as per the requirements of the conceptions to be discussed in the paper. There were several questions asked from the interviewee in order to enlighten conceptions to be discussed in the paper in detail. The further discussion in the paper is constructed through secondary data sources and the interviewee's response.


The terms family can be defined as the group of people living jointly or separately connected through blood relationships, marriage or adoption. While asking the question about the family of the interviewee, he did not give adequate response. The interviewee was divorced and separated from his children due to the legislative obligations. The interviewee admitted that there were certain flaws of him due to which his marital relationship ended. Nonetheless, he also said that his children were too young when he was separated from his wife. Hence, the court decided that they will live with their mother. Family seemed to have utmost importance to that person he was not left with one. He used to meet his children twice a week and his contact with his x-wife was minimal.


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