Analyzing Organizations

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Analyzing Organizations

Analyzing Organizations


Different organizations follow different practices and make sure that they work accordingly so that they succeed and grow in the future. The culture, different aspects and elements help the companies to work in a manner that will bring success to them. With the growing competition, the companies have to make sure that they have all the required competitive advantages that will help them in staying ahead in the international market. With this, they also have to make sure that the strategies they formulate are according to the needs of the company and are targeting the right audience. This helps them in staying ahead of all the other companies.

Companies that are able to keep with the international competition and are performing successfully should be analyzed so that the other companies can learn from their practices that will help them in their way to success, as well. They should also make sure that different aspects of the company are studied so that they can learn from it. Mainly, it is the culture of the company that leads them to success (Ohno,1988). This helps them in leading the business successfully because the culture of the company promotes hard work and keeps the employees motivated. This is the reason that the big international companies are able to work in any situation, even when the conditions of the international market are not favorable for the business environment.

This paper will discuss the brand, Toyota. To narrow down the analysis, Toyota Thailand will be studied. The culture that is embedded in the company will be studied to learn more about the operations of the company and how it has been successful to keep up with the changing international business environment.

Paradigmatic Perspectives: My paradigm

According to Shimuzu, (1995) paradigm can be explained as "To be located in a particular paradigm is to view the world in a particular way." Paradigm helps us in shaping the world we perceive the world. There are different paradigms through which we can perceive the world and here, four of them will be explained. They are explained in the grid below:

Paradigms are important in helping us shape the way we perceive things. These concepts are reinforced by the people of the community. The four mentioned above are the different paradigms by which people perceive the world. This helps us in knowing the different perspectives in which the world can be viewed. The Radical humanist is an approach in which the ideologies and the social opportunities are controlled by the large organizations. They leave the people voiceless and disempowered (Nystuen,2002,2-7). In the Functionalist approach, the societies come together and share the values to establish the social orders which benefit every person. The main goal is to make people adapt to the existing structures. The Radical Structuralism is an approach in which the distressed individuals can help to modify the structure and this change is a long lasting one (Monden,1994). This is very helpful in organizations that require a ...
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