Analyzing Organizational Policy

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Analyzing Organizational Policy

Analyzing Organizational Policy


The organizational policies reflect the approach of action and implementation selected to take decisions and formulate a framework for the activities and operations of the organization. The organizations form a policy framework to support the operations by selecting most relevant policies among the alternatives available to them. They determine future and present decisions regarding public matters through the organizational policies. There are a number of organizational policies in different organizations. Three of the most trending organizational policies are as follows (Aiken, 2009, pp. 5-14).

Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity policy.

Compensation policy.

International hiring policy (Aiken, 2009, pp. 5-14).

In this paper we will focus to analyze the oganizational policies of the below mentioned helath care organizations.

The American Health Quality Association (AHQA).

The American Medical Association (AMA).

The American Public Health Association (APHA).

All the above health care organiztaions followA a significantly defined organizational policies. The detailed analysis of the organizational policies in AHQA, AMA, APHA is mentioned below (Dewar & Dutton, 2008, pp.1422-1433).

The analysis of health care organizational policy is discussed under the heads of these policy sources, their development , their level in health care organization.

Organizational policy analysis refers to the concept of positive analysis in any organiztaion as it is reflected in the corporate world. It is defined as the implementation of human resources and positive psychological capacities that can be measured, develop and manage effectively enable performance improvement in healthcare organizations (Dewar & Dutton, 2008, pp.1422-1433).

This definition distinguishes many popular ideas of our time callers to the subject of positive, by the emphasis of fundamental aspect of positive organizational behavior: Building theory-based research in order to improve organizational performance (Scott, 2011).

To some psychological characteristic could be considered as part of positive organizational analysis, it must be positive, measurable and based on the theoretical and research foundations. In addition, this property should be based on situational feature provided development and enables improved performance (Dewar & Dutton, 2008, pp.1422-1433).

Features that are favorable situations the Organizational policy analysis criteria are investigated, measured and developed at individual level. Positive Organizational policy analysis approach is the application of positive and measurable policies to the workplace.

It focuses on the advantages and strengths of the organization and the fact that the basic premise that you can explore the positive aspect and find effective ways to achieve optimal working conditions which will improve organizational performance (Scott, 2011).

Source of Organizational policy Analysis in Healthcare Organizations

Despite the Organizational policy Analysis research is relatively new, its core ideas are based on earlier concepts. Research in this area grew the positive policy and organizational strycture movement, which was founded in 1998 by Martin Seligman and colleagues.

The aim of positive and measurable policy in health care organizations is to move the focus in policy from focusing on the negative aspects toward focusing on highlighting positive aspects of human benefits policy and increase the development of human effort, international and affirmative action and equal oppurtunity policy in helath care organizations ...