Web page is basically represents the facilities and services provided by an organization. Most of the organizations or human services organizations provide online support to their clients or customers. Widener University is an educational institute situated in Chester, Pennsylvania. This university offers different degree programs like undergraduate programs, graduate level program, and adult undergraduate programs (Riley, 2013). It offers different services to the students of countries urged to get education in different disciplines. It is necessary for the web developer to properly analyze the services and facilities provided by the organization.
The analysis of website involves different procedures like the owner, about the site, provided facilities etc. The information present on the website is purely written in common language used in the United States (Yang et.al, 2013). The owner of this webpage is responsible for the data present on the site. It also provides contact info for further contact to the other departments of the University. The web link of this site is http://www.widener.edu.
The overall presentation of this website is attractive and precise. All the information is authentic and the administration is responsible for the information available on site. The students of the university can see their schedule and other information regarding their examination and studies.
This website also provides search bar facility on the page. This facility is user friendly and allows the user to search any data on the site by means of key word (Widener University, 2013). This key word guides the user to the desired location of the user. About Widener tab contain the information regarding the services and educational courses provided by the university. Academics tab involves the information about the courses available at the campus.
It provides education in academic programs include in excess of 60 apprentice graduate, majors ...