Analytics, Interfaces, And Cloud Technology

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Analytics, Interfaces, and Cloud Technology

Analytics, Interfaces, and Cloud Technology

Cloud Computing

Need for Analytics and Cloud Computing Technology

The company has chosen Analytics technology and Cloud Computing for enhancing the infrastructure. The internet technology is progressing at such a rapid pace that if a company lacks behind in technology, it will be out from the market. Availability of technology is not enough, but its efficient use is necessary to make the most of it. Computing has become the backbone of network infrastructure for every organization today. If one estimates the cost of a single computer system, the conclusion will favor the cost effectiveness of deploying computers in a company. Then what is the reason that a company has to allot a considerable amount of budget in maintaining the installed computing system. The answer to this question covers a number of factors that enlighten the need of cloud computing in the company.

Conventional computing needs regular maintenance, up gradation and experts to handle the network of systems. With the simultaneous growth in the company and technology, the computing system becomes complex. It needs to be divided into various departments like data base, communication, finance etc. Every department needs different software and its organization, installation, troubleshooting requires a whole team. When all this is put together, cost becomes a serious issue. From the perspective of cutting cost, cloud computing seems to be the most appropriate solution of the problem (Marston, 2010).

Cloud Computing is availing the IT services through a service provider. 'Cloud' is a bunch of all possible hardware, software and computing application services that are provided as a single package to the company. If the company wants to enhance the network infrastructure without making any significant change, then cloud is the solution. Any significant alteration can be a risk for the productivity of the company because it would not want to take the risk of keeping dealings on hold while the systems are up graded. Cloud computing allows the company to setup their computer systems in such a way that the use of power is optimum. With the conventional computing system, the hardware setup is not flexible. Client and host server systems use almost 20% additional electricity than the standalone computer systems (Gruman & Knorr, n.d.).

Cloud technology is the next level utilization of internet services, where all the services are monitored and supplied by the vendor. The strategy does not only fulfill the need of cost effective solution, but it also provides a technically sound plan for improving the company's growth. The ever advancing technologies can be flexibly implemented in the company through Cloud Computing. The vendor keeps on updating the existing infrastructure from time to time, keeping in view the possible hurdles due to different aspects of the company.

Not only applications, but business processes are also maintained by the Cloud services provider. This reduces human involvement, which results in fast production and minimization of human errors. The labor that was hired for looking after the computing maintenance, installation and other issues can ...