Analysis Paper

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Analysis Paper

Analysis Paper


Different people in different parts of the world talk, perceive, react and understand news differently. News source analysis is the basis on which people analyze the news on the grounds of its presentation style, overall tone used in describing the details of that news and is that news presented with any sorts of biasness. Hurricane Sandy was one of the biggest natural disaster occurred in United States across from West Virginia to North Carolina and Connecticut. It happened in Caribbean, Northeastern U.S. and Mid-Atlantic in late October, 2012. It has been estimated that sandy had caused a big financial cost to U.S. government which is around $20 billion (Trenberth, 2012). Apart from this, many businesses were distracted and faced a great loss of finance. Different news coverage had shown different sides of stories. The news channels that I have selected for Sandy news coverage include BBC News, CNN and ABC News.

Answer (a)

The main segment that CNN approached was to inform the citizens about the major damages occurred due to Sandy Hurricane. The segment was based on objective as the purpose of communicating this news was to aware them that this natural disaster had caused a biggest damage to U.S. property, transport, travel agencies, hospitals and business of people living in the target areas (Burruss, 2012). It showed different pictures and videos to demonstrate how the Hurricane has interrupted the life of people and what are the major problems that they are confronting when they came to know about this news. It has been observed that the theme of showing the major damages was showed throughout the news coverage on the day it occurred and the way it was presented represents the tone of urgency that it almost scared people who are not even facing such disaster in their areas. The news coverage showed different scenes of hospitals and patients who were shifted to other care units and had inadequate health care services provided to them. In my opinion, the main part that was totally ignored was how the government and law enforcement agencies are contributing to reduce these damages and how are they saving people from this life threatening disaster. Also, CNN should have focused on the government future plans for the re-development of cities that are being destroyed and how would it contribute to the betterment of community and society of United States.

BBC which is called the British Broadcasting Corporation provides the public with broadcasting services on all the news occurring in any part of the world. As all the news broadcasting mediums are run for serving the public so the most important news on all the mediums was to update the audience and viewers about Sandy Hurricane (, 2012). On the first day of Sandy hurricane, BBC approached the segment of providing basic news alert to the public on what time would it be more threatening and provide guidance on what to do when facing such urgent ...
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