Analysis Of Writing In Profession/Discipline

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Analysis of Writing in Profession/Discipline

Analysis of Writing in Profession/Discipline

An Overview of Economics Field

Economics is the science that deals with the management of scarce resources in human society. Human beings who live within the framework of a given historical civilization experience various needs such as food, clothing, education, housing, social prestige, entertainment and expression of religious beliefs, national, political and otherwise. Some of these needs come from biological requirements that must be satisfied to preserve life.

When resources are scarce, some needs remain unmet, leading individuals to make decisions that, depending on the organization and social institutions, which determine the distribution of scarce resources among the different people and their jobs. In other words, resources are managed. The study of the ways to manage scarce resources is the object of economic science (Laidler, 1986).

The branch of economics that studies such consistency models and combines them into a coherent system, called theoretical economics or economic theory (including economic analysis). The propositions set forth these models are known as uniform economic laws. Economic laws are, like all other scientific laws, conditional propositions. They say that such and such happens regularly, if they are met such and such conditions (i.e., provided that such and such observations take place).

Economic theory does not exhaust the field of economic research. Economics also studies and describes specific forms and methods of management of scarce resources, as developed in the history of human society the same way, observations are made ??which are classified and interpreted with the help of the uniformities established in economic theory. This research provides the field of applied economics.

The Macroeconomics is the study of the economy considered as a whole, the form of aggregates. She studies people's choices (all not just one) of companies and governments on the national economy and world. The macroeconomic analysis considers in particular issues related to indicators, the economic health of representative: Gross Domestic Product and Gross national income, aggregate consumption, savings, investments, inflation, unemployment, human development index, threshold poverty. The national accounts are a part of the political economy in the broad field of political philosophy and the anthropology. The international economy, which studies the economic relations between countries and certain characteristics of the economic globalization, is part of the macroeconomics.

An Overview of the Types of Writing In Economics Field and the Variety ff Audiecnes

Economic theories are always associated with economic practice, though not always a straightforward manner. The study of the relationship between living conditions and the theoretical production of human being can be a useful guide to understand each particular theory.

Many ideas of the past were rooted in institutional structures, relationships between different economic groups and their conflicting interests. Now well, the ideas that gave life to have died in the extent to which structures and relationships are still the same or similar. They still live among us in the forms of the views of Aristotle on the different kinds of work man, the censures of the scholastics of the Middle Ages to usury, mercantilist theories ...
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