Analysis Of The Glass Menajarie

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Analysis of The Glass Menajarie


Glass Menajarie play is a melancholy family drama written by Tennessee Williams in 1945. Williams opened with broad stage directions which lead to the development of an importance script for the drama. The Wingfield apartment was described by him that was not a very large unit and was even located in the middle of the city called St Louis. Although, the dining room and living room were shown to the audience. There was a situation of the fire escape and the transparent fourth wall through which the narrow alleys were passed. The fire escape and narrow alleys through the transparent fourth wall were visible outside the building. There was a huge photograph of the family's absent father on the wall. The other thing which was visible during the play was a huge range of glass animals that were transparent and had a title of "Glass Menagerie," which became the name for the play. There were some old records, typewriter, chart of stenography and phonograph. There was one phonograph, few old records, a stenography chart and a typewriter. (Menagerie, 13)

Main Body

At the start of the play, Tom emerged and was portrayed as a merchant sailor because of his dressing. The first speech which he gave in front of the audience, he wanted to show himself as a magician and wanted to give a good impression to the people. He established himself as narrator of the play and as a poet. He told the audience; it will be shown that the play has taken place in thirties, during the period when the battle was carried out in the Spain and there were some political problems in USA. He warned the people that this play is based on the memory work so it should not be considered realistic. Music ...