Analysis Of The Article

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Analysis of the Article

Analysis of the Article


The article reveals the study of the daily 15 min recess period in schools. It comes up with the significant importance of recess by saying that students giving at least 15min to the recess period are not hurt by the reading scores. Neither, the recess hurts their scores, nor it increases their reading scores. The study also presented that giving 15 minutes daily for the reading would increase the learning achievement for the preschoolers (Yesil Dagli, 2012). The article has presented a contrast that the students having a recess frequency and balance instructional achieve better scores than the students who avoid recess regardless of their race, gender, and family circumstances.

In fact, social interaction is a major development among the students who experience the recess daily. They also managed to perform more physical activities and thus they keep themselves healthy. Therefore, recess must be considered as an effective tool to educate the whole child. Cognitive development is a major focus in schools. The recess activities are provided with unique opportunities in building a child. Therefore, the study finds that a balance between recess and academic tasks shall be considered as a major prior by policy makers in the daily schedule.

Discussion and Analysis

In view of the article, the importance of recesses (intervals) and its impact on the performance of students have been critically analyzed. The recess serves as the physical education in schools in order to promote a healthy lifestyle and practice of daily break for children and adolescents. The recess that is properly supervised by adults provides children with cognitive, physical, emotional as well as social benefits. It should be used as a complement to physical education classes and not a substitute. Moreover, the recess should offer productive games and activities to help students improve their IQ level (Yesil Dagli, 2012). The author of the article recommends that recess should not be used as punishment for students. But, it should serve as a key component of development and social interaction that students cannot get into a school environment.

Many schools responded to the rule by shortening the recess, the creative arts and physical education in an effort to focus on reading and math. In view f the researches, at least 83 percent of school children have recess, but the number of breaks per day and the duration of these has gone down. For lack of space in some schools or to avoid accidents or mistreatment of older students, preschool children go to about 15 minutes of break. It is also common that teachers use this time to conduct activities aimed as football and develop sports skills. Recess is a space that should be considered part of the curriculum. Serves to make evaluations in context because it allows us to see how children socialize in a natural way without being in the presence of teachers.

Recess promotes socialization, participation and positive personal interactions, creativity and learning rules and skills to make decisions and resolve ...
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