Analysis Of Target Corporation

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Analysis of Target Corporation

This paper presents an analysis of Target Corporation, the second largest discount retailer chain of stores in America.

1. Mission and Vision Statement

Our objective is to make Target the preferred buying destination for our visitors by delivering spectacular worth, relentless discovery and an outstanding guest know-how by consistently fulfilling our anticipate More. Pay Less.® brand promise ( To support our operation, we are directed by our commitments to large value, the community, diversity and the environment.

2. Strategy

goal Corporation's primary functioning scheme is to provide outstanding value to buyers through multiple retail formats ranging from upscale discount and quite charge to full service department stores. Target's financing strategy is to ensure liquidity and access to capital markets, to manage the amount of floating-rate debt, and to maintain a balanced range of debt maturities (

Target's development strategy engages achieving mean annual profits per share growth of 15 percent or more over time. Heading into 2001, the business had consistently illustrated growth. In the preceding five years, its profits per share had bigger to round 13 to 15 per hundred each year. It was anticipated, by both the company and analysts, that it would accomplish 15 to 17 per hundred development over the next five years.

One of the ways that Target Corporation keeps its revenues and earnings growing is through its commitment to store expansion, which it achieves primarily through its Target and Super Target stores. Another way is by setting itself apart from the competition through its differentiated merchandise and its multiple retail segmentation ( goal shops offer more upscale merchandise than alike associations like Wal-Mart or K-Mart. The outcome is that goal reaches a broader and more affluent buyer base.

farther, the company's e-commerce efforts have assisted fuel its growth. At first, goal was reluctant to try and skeptical about the Internet, but by 2001 it was functioning seven Web sites that sustained shop and catalog brands.

4. Current Trends

Target designs on expanding its number of new stores. At the identical time, sales in its living shops are increasing. commerce observers state that this blend will outcome in even more development for goal Corporation. The company opened 74 new stores in 2000 and planned on opening about 70 more in 2001, despite a weakened economy (

really, goal seemed someway resistant to the country's financial situation. While other large retailers skilled slower sales growth or even contradictory sales growth, goal company ...
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