Analysis Of 'strategic Vision: America And The Crisis Of Global Power'

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Analysis of 'Strategic Vision: America and the Crisis of Global Power'

There have been lots of critical incidents in the recent past, leading from America's and Europe's woes in relation to their economic situation to the anti-Putin demonstrations in Russia. These incidents underline exactly how prescient Zbigniew Brzezinski has been in his writings. Zbigniew Brzezinski, known famously as Zbig, has been linked to the White House in the past, as an adviser to Obama. He had conflict with the Presidetn due to which he distanced himself from being the Presidents advisor. The dispute with the President was in relation to issues in the Middle East. Yet, he has links with current administration. The book he published has raised several eyes in Washington. People and the authorities believe that the arguments that he has presented in his writings have weight and can be implemented by the authorities as a guide if the current administration gets re-elected (Brzezinski, p. 10). Moreover, the arguments presented in the book, if adopted by the administration would lead the White House administration to a leadership in a bold manner.

The book is a detailed argumentation of the relationships that are being made among different nations in today's world, as well as, ways and manners in which decisions related to the foreign policy can be made such that are according to the general public's thinking and believes. In an event held to promote the book, Zbig was of the view that it is essential for the leaders to recognize the importance of having a long term vision based on the desires of the people of their country (Brzezinski, p. 15-16).

Zbig is of the view that in relation to the long term vision, there are two key beacons that the leaders can look into. Firstly, they should focus on expanding the range of the western countries, by including countries like, Russia and Turkey as essential part of Europe. Moreover, he is also of the view that in trying to pivot the east, as is the aim of the current President of the United States of America, Barack Obama, the administration should learn to deal with issues in the region without any major military interference (Brzezinski, p. 33-44).

He also states that the Government of the United States of America can look into the potential of the country in order to decide on the strategic vision of the country. According to Zbig, the American government can work on reshaping its domestic dynamism, along with joining hands with Europe in order to construct a powerful West (Brzezinski, p. 33-34).

In order to accomplish all these tasks in an effective manner, if implemented, it would be important for everyone involved in this process to realize and accept the fact that Europe in today's world, is still an unfinished business. He is of the view that Europe's status as an unfinished business would not change till the time that the Turkey becomes a complete and integral part of the European Union, along with Russia being engaged in ...
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