Analysis Of Pipher's Essay

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Analysis of Pipher's Essay

[Date of Submission]Analysis of Pipher's Essay


The thought provoking piece known as 'Mr. USA' was written by Mary Pipher who was a clinical psychologist. The nation was looking for answers for the tragedy of 11th September 2001, and the mental state of the United States of America was evaluated by Mary Pipher in this essay. Inclusive of entrance of war, with the finances of the nation the selection of poor choices followed up by a series of hasty decisions that were taken up by the government.


The country was personified and named as 'Mr. USA' by Pipher, in order to do a clinical analysis of the United States. Mr. USA is of 228 years of age and is an arrogant, overweight and well-dressed man who seems to have many problems that occurred after the tragic event of 11th September. The scars from previous traumas, such as, other violent acts in his history, Vietnam and Pearl Harbor were felt by him after this tragic event and such things from not being dealt within a healthy manner have manifested physically (Pipher, 2007). Addictions to shopping, television, gambling, alcohol and more were developed by Mr. USA, instead of healing which also made him careless regarding money.

To educate the general populous and her peers about the steps that can be taken to change the course of the nation and the degradation of the United States, this psychological analysis was used by Pipher. Through the form of a clinical analysis, to convey these ideas to her audience, ethos, pathos and logos were used by her, and she also describes the problems of the United States through her personification. The text is easily understandable. In the form of a clinical study claims were presented by her. For the general populous, this area is easy to understand, ...