Analysis Of Eating Disorders

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Analysis of Eating Disorders

[Name o Institution]Analysis of Eating Disorders


The term Eating Disorders mainly refer to the issues and problems that arise due to insignificant or excessive eating. The resulting problems can range from simple biological issues to complex psychological issues, which might even need proper counseling to get cured. The abnormal eating patterns thus may lead to deteriorated physical or mental health, and sometimes they are the indicators of some unusual activity in the human body.

Some of the most common eating disorders include binge eating disorder, anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa, which are widely present in United States too. Although both males and females fall victim to the disorders, it is generally observed that females are more prone to eating disorders as compared to males. Although the exact reason, behind the issues is not exactly known, there are certain medical situations and conditions that can be linked to the matter and concerned individuals are finding ways to overcome the reasons.

Keeping in view the high rate of patients of eating disorder in United States, this paper intends to look at the reasons behind such widespread of the problem and would also discuss the details of above mentioned common disorders along with examples. The paper would also shed light on the history of developments taking place in the field, and how these developments have assisted in formation of new methods and techniques to solve the issues and move towards a healthy life style.

Eating Disorders—a detailed analysis:

History of researches in eating disorders:

A number of researches have been conducted to get to the actual reason behind eating disorders, and consequently to find the solution for that. With the advancements in technology, modern equipments are made available that further ease the process and better results are found. The past decade has seen active research in the fields of epidemiology, prevention, treatment and also the long term outcomes of the eating disorders. The number of publications dealing with the issues has increased substantially in the past decade, which aims at looking for the biological correlates of the illness. The follow up studies have concluded that there is a strong positive correlation between mortality/ high levels of morbidity with anorexia and bulimia nervosa, and has also placed strong emphasis on the dire need of finding out the treatment for the issue, along with effective and applicable preventive measures (Ward and Turnball, 2011).

Eating disorders not otherwise specified (ENDOS):

The researches have placed high focus on epidemiology, prevention, treatment, long-term outcome, and the specific topics of osteoporosis and reproduction. The category of eating disorders not otherwise specified (ENDOS) have continued to expand in the past few years, and a few circles have been struggling to add a few cases of ENDOS back into categories of anorexia or bulimia. The cases of ENDOS are more common as compared to any other form of eating disorder, and almost none of the patients go to the extent to acquiring anorexia or bulimia.

Certain psychological traits, including anxiety, harm avoidance and perfection are also found to ...
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