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Analysis of Health Related Data

Analysis of Health Related Data


The purpose of this report is to analyze the statistical data of two provided article related to the health care issues.

Article # 1 “Impact of oral health status on oral health-related quality of life in Chinese hospitalized geriatric patients”

Just as there has been an evolution in the concepts of "Health", acknowledging that he has a wide range of components (biological, mental, social and quality of life) has also developed the concept of oral health, which has changed since the biological level. Oral health has been defined as "functional and comfortable dentition allows individuals to continue the desired social role", emphasizing that it is an integral component of health, so that means that when oral health is compromised, overall health and quality of life can decrease, not only clinically, but adding things like the impact of oral pain in daily life of individuals, and the degree of disability or "malfunction" of this.

Considering that oral health is a component of health, and health among its components the quality of life, then oral health will also have an effect on quality of life.

At first it was considered the quality of life as the equivalent to survival of patients with cancer, then also included in this concept the survival time of patients with chronic and acute diseases.

Quality of Life is a concept that is subject to multiple interpretations. For individuals, the quality of life is of great importance and serves as the engine of their actions. Quality of life in these terms, it means being a highly subjective concept that is difficult to express in quantity.

It has been said that the quality of life related to oral health is the impact of oral alterations in aspects of daily life that are important to people to affect the individual's perception of their general life, as in the case of persons who fail to attend meetings due to wearing ill-fitting dentures that move to speak or eat while they do fall, people should modify their food by chewing problems: cases in which dental pain does not allow people to perform optimally or not allowing them to focus.

In this study, GOHAI has been used. (Doris, et al, 2008)

Statistical Tables

Normality Test

Tests of Normality

The general oral health assessment index (GOHAI;Chinese version)























a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

Table # 1 (See Appendix)

Table # 2: (See Appendix)

In China, nearly 80% of elderly people suffering from various problems in dental disease loose teeth, toothache, dental acid, teeth down, and the more serious periodontitis. For the elderly, expensive trip to the dental clinic, while the income of the elderly and generally lower than average level of society, which creates a dilemma: the most urgent needs of the most difficult people to solve the problem. Defective endured, make do with something for the small problems wrong with the accumulation of National Cheng Kung University, it is not a solution only to tooth extraction, denture, dentures. Worse is that increasingly serious dental problems, which will create ...
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