Analysis Essay

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Analysis Essay


The article pertains to deliver an overview of the current rape victimization in the Indian society. The Indian society has been a great victim of rape, and there are a mounting number of cases registered every year. The Indian society has a general tendency for the disliking of the female gender, and therefore, the female gender is degraded. A large number of baby girls buried alive is reported every year, and therefore, it is indeed a tragedy to be a daughter in the Indian society. The paper analyses the factors contributing to such large number of rape cases every year, and therefore, it is essential for the society to have a stringent law and order that eradicated the issue (Anon, 2013).


As reported, the case of the rape victimization in the Indian society has several factors contributing to it. The situation in the Indian society presents a hostile picture of the situations that provide no remedy to the prevailing state of the nation. The prevailing women hatred towards the feminine gender is a story of every other household. Girls are valued far less than the boys, and therefore, the feminine gender has lower level of confidence (Anon, 2013).

The society has a negative perception about the feminine gender, since it encompasses of the traditional Hinduism traditions that foster the worth of the male, and therefore, the masculine gender inherits dominancy, and therefore, they try to pressurize the female gender in all aspects. The role of the female gender is exclusively submissive, and therefore, they pertain to revive the culture that is totally anti women.

The Hindu mythology in the past has contributed to the immense degrade of the female gender, and therefore, the Hindu scriptures imply that the females are more like an object, rather than, an individual with significant ...
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