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Analysis of the non-profit organization


Letter of transmittal1


Profile of the organization2

Mission of the American Red Cross2

Disaster Relief2

Supporting Military Families of America3

Blood services on urgent basis3

Health and Safety Services3

International Services offered by Red Cross3

Vision Statement of the organization3

Budgeting and financial management at Red Cross3

Financial highlights of the Red Cross for the year 20124

Strategic Planning of the Red Cross organization4

Strengthening financial stability5

Building an effective workforce5

Deliver responsive programs and services5

Increase operational effectiveness to the optimum level5

Build awareness5

Marketing strategy of the American Red Cross6

Digital holiday catalog6

Social media6

Video Marketing6

Strengths of the Organization6

Weaknesses of the company7

Fund raising by The Red Cross7

Human resource planning7

Use of technological planning by Red Cross7

Management issues in The Red Cross7



Letter of transmittal

21 May 2013

To The board of Directors The Red Cross Agency Albany, Georgia

Subject: Consultant analysis of the Red Cross Agency

Dear Sir,

I feel immense pleasure in presenting this report before the board members. This report contains the analysis of the Red Cross agency. All the management facts and financial figures have been discussed in this report along with the strengths and weaknesses of the organization. I hope and expect that my analysis will prove beneficial for the company and help the company to understand the management issues which the company is facing.

Thanking you

Yours sincerely


This aim and objective of this report is to thoroughly study and analyze the management related issues which American Red Cross agency are facing. Furthermore, this report will give an overview and explain about the mission and vision statement of the organization. How financial decisions are being made by the organization and what are the priorities of the organization while formulating the budget. Who is responsible for strategic planning and how it is being implemented by the managers. What marketing strategies are being followed by this non-profit organization and how recruitment of talented employees is being taken place? Also, this report will discuss and analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the organization in consideration of the great service which it is rendering to the masses. Finally, what are the sources this organization is using for raising the funds and the efficiency of human resource department of Red Cross will be discussed in this paper along with the current management issues which the organization is facing and how it can solve those problems to increase their efficiency.

Profile of the organization

American Red Cross is a non-profit humanitarian organization which provides wide range of services such as, emergency assistance, community services to help the needy people, communications services, and emergency blood services, educational programs which prepare the people to face disasters, health and safety programs, international relief and also development programs. This organization is governed by volunteers who render various services for the humanity. The head quarter of Red Cross is in Washington. The American Red Cross in Albany, Georgia is working with the mission of averting and alleviating suffering from the society. Basically it provides five major humanitarian services which are discussed below

Mission of the American Red Cross

The mission of the American Red Cross is to prevent and relieves ...
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