An Investigation To Explore The Impact Of Pre-School On The Cognitive Attainments Of Early Age Children At Entry To Reception by

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An Investigation to Explore the Impact of Pre-School on the Cognitive Attainments of Early Age Children at Entry to Reception



Background of the study2

Outline of the problem3

Research Aims and Objectives4

Significance of the Research5

Outline of the Research Paper5


An Investigation to Explore the Impact of Pre-School on the Cognitive Attainments of Early Age Children at Entry to Reception


The aim of the research is to extricate the most crucial issues of pre-school education in order to highlight the benefits of the efficient and effective childhood intervention programmes in inducing the cognitive attainment of the less privileged children for higher education. The research will be focusing examining the impact of pre-school experience on the learning capabilities of the children as well as to understand the impact of pre-school programs and parents' involvement as a whole to prepare the early age children for the better high quality education.

Background of the study

A variety of researches has been emphasized on investing in the early age education for being convinced with the fact that early age education plays exceptionally crucial role in burnishing the leaning capabilities of the children at the most sensitive and the most important phase of their life (Goodman & Gregg, 2010). Carneiro & et al. (2006) asserted in their study a well conceived high quality education in early age helps the children in meeting the diversified challenges of their educational life. In addition to it, Currie & Thomas (2000) sated that the pre-school education plays significant role in burnishing the capabilities of early age children to induce their readiness for schooling as well as to enhance their educational achievements. On the other hand, pre-school programs are also expected to play a positive role in social and economic context. According to Woodhead (2009), early age education is significant to meet the educational requirements of the less privileged children who belong to poor families. Reynolds, Temple & Ou (2003) sated is their study that the well conceived learning in at early age enables the children to achieve success in their educational life and hence reduces the crime and unemployment in the society. Despite of all the above mentioned benefits, most of the parents are not aware of the significance of early age educational programs (pre-school programs).

In the context of UK, prominent variation has been observed in the concern of the people regarding the pre schools and early age learning programs (Sammons & et al., 2004). It should be noticed that difference in the financial conditions, social class as well as cultural are the most powerful triggers that exert a prominent impact concern of the parents for the preschool education of their children (Burger, 2010; Sylva & et al., 2010). However, an increase in the early childhood centres has been observed that reflects the growing concern for early age education in the UK. However, the awareness in the economically and socially less privileged class is prominently low regarding pre-school learning programs. This research paper is aimed to extricate the urgency of pre-school programs in improving the cognitive attainment ...