An Investigation Of How Anger And Stress Related To Surfing Can Affect Surfers

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An Investigation of How Anger and Stress Related to Surfing can Affect Surfers




Aims and Objectives2



Potential Problems8

Ethical Consideration8

Expected Output9



Work Plan And Resources Required12


When individuals as sportspersons encounter stressful situations, the outcome in terms of positive (e.g., excitement) or negative (e.g., anxiety) emotional responses, and their subsequent effect on performance, will be influenced by the individuals' ability to successfully manage the different external or internal demands of the sports as perceived (Wann, 1997, 78). Responses of anger and stress have been associated with, for instance, situations in which the athletes perceive a lack of ability to cope with the stress encountered. Thus, they will likely try to actively utilise different coping strategies in order to alter the appraisals, situation or emotional response in the different sports they engage in (Heugten, 2001, 36).

The undertaken project aims at providing a detailed description of the ways in which anger and stress, associated with the sports of surfing, can affect the performance of the surfers. The research attempts to develop an understanding of the behavioural patterns, and emotional and psychological factors that have a direct bearing on the surfer's performance, resulting from anger and strain a surfing situation may present (Patton, 1980, 111).

Before analyzing the influence of anger and stress on a surfer's performance, it is imperative to develop a sound understanding of the two interrelated, yet distinct concepts (Abraham, 2000, 169). Both are known to have substantial impact on the performance of athletes, associated with any type of sports. Similarly, the coping strategies are also of great significance, as they help the surfers in dealing with the psychological pressures and other demotivating feelings and emotions that may result from the experienced anger and stress (Balas, 2004, 1).

Because coping strategies utilised generally involve a large variety of actions, behaviours and cognitions, a number of different higher-order categorisations of coping have been proposed in the literature. Even though some of these classifications focus on the outcome of coping (e.g., the athlete either approaches or avoids the situation), strategies utilised by the individual are not always successful or do not necessarily match the stressor adequately (Blustein, 2006, 67). Many researchers therefore agree that coping strategies in sports, and surfing in particular, should be distinguished from outcome to evaluate their effectiveness.

Aims and Objectives

The research, as mentioned above, is fundamentally concerned with the elements of anger and stress, and their subsequent impact on the sports of surfing and the related sportsmen. The primary objectives of the study are given below.

To investigate the different factors and forces that may lead to anger and stress for the surfers.

To identify the different types of anger and stress a surfer may experience.

To determine the impact of anger and stress on the performance of surfers.

To suggest techniques and strategies to counter the possible adverse effects of anger and stress.


Although a number of studies and research have been carried out to determine the effects of anger and stress on athletes in ...
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