An Investigation Into The Impact Of Employee's Motivation On Job Performance Within The Nigeria Banking Sector: A Case Study Of Zenith Bank Plc

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An Investigation into the Impact of Employee's Motivation on Job Performance Within the Nigeria Banking Sector: A Case Study of Zenith bank PLC


[International Human Resource Management]





1.1 Background to Research1

1.2 Rationale and Significance3

1.3 Statement of Purpose3

1.4 Research Aim5

1.5 Research Objectives5

1.6 Research Questions5

1.7 Scope of the Research6

1.8 Outline of the Research6

1.9 Chapter Summary7


2.1 Concept / Definition of Motivation9

2.2 Objectives / Importance Of Motivation10

2.3 Definition Of Employee Motivation11

2.4 Importance Of Employees' Motivation In The Workplace12

2.5 Employees Motivation And Job Performance13

2.6 An Overview Of Nigeria Banking Sector14

2.7 Employees Motivation In The Banking Sector And Also Linked To Zenith Bank Plc15

2.7.1 Strategies Employed By Human Resources Managers To Motivate Employees In Zenith Bank15

2.7.2 Criticism Of The Motivational Theories And The Theories Applied In Zenith Bank Plc16

2.8 Theoretical Framework Of The Research19

2.9 Theories of Motivation19

2.9.1 Expectancy Theory of Motivation21

2.9.2 Erg theory23

2.9.3 Adam Equity Theory24

2.9.4 Mccllelland Acquired needs Theory25

2.9.5 The Conventional View27

2.9.6 Douglas McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y28

2.9.7 Modern and Classical Theories of Motivation30

2.9.8 Maslow's Theory of Motivation30

2.10 Motivational Factors32

2.10.1 Factors and Approaches that Constitute Employee Motivation32

2.11 Motivational Strategies34

2.11.1 Conceptual Context34

2.11.2 Non-Financial Rewards35

2.11.3 Use of Rewards in Motivation35

2.12 Relationship between Employee Motivation and Performance38

2.12.1 Motivation And Job Performance And An Overview Of Nigeria Banking Sector40

2.13 Chapter Summary41



This dissertation is an opportunity for me to extend my regards to my research supervisor, my beloved friends, and my family for their untiring support that they furnished throughout my research. I am grateful to them for their belief in me and the guidance that they provided me without which I would have never been able to work on and complete this research. It also signifies my own views and does not closely relate to the university.

Signature: _______________________



I, (), would like to affirm that all information and facts entailed in this research account for my own efforts and work devoid of any assistance, and this dissertation has not been succumbed previously for any assessment at academic and professional level, as well. It also symbolises my very own viewpoints and not necessarily those that are related with other university.

Signed __________________ Date _________________


The major purpose of this research was to evaluate the function of employee's motivation on job performance. This study examined the motivational practices, packages, strategies, and tactics at Zenith bank plc and how they influence job performance of employees towards Bank's business and objectives. This study also investigated how effectual human resource is being supervised in the banking sector employing Zenith bank plc of Nigeria as a case study. The survey questionnaire was employed for this research. This study revealed that HRM (human resource management) can employ various multiple policies and strategies to motivate staff in the banking sector. Fringed benefits, increased salaries, car loans, bonuses, and promotions are of great interest for employees and serve as motivating factors, which are adequate to push employees of the banking organisation to yield out their best. Majority of employees assume promotion as the most difficult task or level to be ...