An Incident That Changed Me

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An incident that changed ME

An incident that changed ME


Everyone faces a turning point once in their life time which not only defines their personalities but also forms their beliefs, enhance their values and shape the future life. These incidents may be tragic, happy, gloomy or adventurous which transforms one's personality upside down. I have been through such an incident which eventually became a turning point for me, making me mature and sensible enough.


I have always been such a boy who never possesses clear intentions or can never take decisions on his own. I always remained in ambiguity regarding my life and the choices I had to make through the course of the time. But one incident changed my life and my personality upside down and inside out. I can never forget the day, May 23rd, 2011, when on my way home from school I witnessed vandalism by known bullies of my neighborhood. The bullies were arrested shortly after by an off duty police officer, but the bullies falsely accused me as their lookout guy. No matter what I said to the officers, they just suggested that if I pleaded guilty, it would only be a 6 month probation that won't necessarily leave a record, but should I decide to fight this and lose, that I could face the maximum penalties. There was also the possible retaliation from the bullies whether I won or lost. Considering my academic life and my parent's burden regarding the foreclosure neither I nor my parents had the time or the will to fight this in court. Taking the guilty plea was the safer and the logical option. After all, it's just a 6 month probation that wouldn't even be on my record, right? That's how I tried to justify to myself that it was okay, ...
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