An Exploration Of A Popular Culture

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An Exploration of a Popular Culture

An Exploration of a Popular Culture


The industrial revolution has transformed the British popular culture, arguing. The rural way of life in Britain, it seems very long before industrialization. The entire cultural and social values that were in place were often deep in communities that thrived on tradition and mutual understanding between the classes. But with the industrial age, changes are coming. (Murray, 2004, 115), with demographic changes in terms of location and attitudes and between social classes and groups, the work of the man was found in a very new and different that has been the scene of a phenomenon in the world West. I will discuss the conditions of rural and urban popular culture and how the industrial revolution is changing the popular culture in Britain.

An Exploration of a Popular Culture

Rural popular culture was traditional and simplistic. There was a strong emphasis on the church and the church calendar. The fact that rural life is based on agriculture and agriculture means that the change of seasonal crops and agricultural calendar and lifestyle was also a great effect on people living in rural England. Work schedules around more than when the work was completed, rather than time and time off for weekends, vacations and holidays, of course, is not heard. (Murray, 2004, 115)

The boundaries are very fluid society. Despite the class differences were evident in the rural areas of popular culture, many cultural practices such as gambling and betting are shared by different classes and seems to have a good agreement between the classes and the ruling class. "He began to emerge of a small middle class who complained about the lack of etiquette and morality to participate in these activities in the rough, but they were largely in the minority. (Murray, 2004, 115)

The advent of the industrial age has a major impact on popular culture in rural areas, and this is probably the most important factor in their transformation and eventual demise. Such as factories and warehouses have increased, said the influx of workers into the country for large cities to seek work in new industries. It was more "push" of the field effect to the city. Workers in the country have promised jobs in factories that provide new and equitable pay and conditions, some people in the country are beginning to complain of conditions. At the height of the industrial revolution WAS Gilly wrote a pamphlet which was published as a book, some complain about the conditions in the country. He writes: "We have, therefore, to observe and work conducted after leaving the service as part of a farmer who lives with mutual satisfaction ... for many of these houses are miserable slums. The owner is not so eager to provide suitable housing for Hinds ... and then himself, with an eye to the future, not for negotiation "(Murray, 2004, 115)

Gradually, the rural popular culture began to lose again and more and more cities that promise new ...
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