An Examination Of Drug Abuse Among African American Homeless Adult Males In Atlanta, Georgia

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An Examination of Drug Abuse among African American Homeless Adult Males in Atlanta, Georgia


The purpose of this research is to examine drug abuse among African American male adults in Atlanta, Georgia With the objective of discussing a high rate of drug abuse in the homeless male adults; we review their traumatic lives, confronting with the number of social dilemmas, personal as well as mental predicaments. As the events, before and after being homeless, cause serious mental and physical issues, the risk of drug use is much higher. Moreover, we cover the presence of variety of drugs in the area along with the great risk of exposure to them. Statistical analysis reveals that a number of factors are involved in the onset of substance abuse in adults. It has also been noticed that the pervasiveness of drug use in urban areas is much higher than the rural or suburban areas. Hence, the research discusses the history of African Americans, causes of substance use and the possible insinuations.


Rationale of the study1

Race and Ethnicity2

African Americans2

Health Disparities5

Easy and Cheap availability of Drugs: A Serious Threat6

Use of Alcohol7

Lack of Controlled Substance Monitoring Programs8

Data Analysis8

Risk Factors of Drug Abuse in Homeless Atlanta9

Physical Health Problems9

Other Mental Health Problems10

Barriers to Health Care11

Policy Issues11




An Examination of Drug Abuse among African American Homeless Adult Males in Atlanta, Georgia


Homeless population in Atlanta is mostly alcoholic or substance abusers. Drug abuse can be a reason or the result of homelessness. The recent study of Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration shows, 38% of homeless people use alcohol and 26% depend on other drugs. Drug abuse is more prevalent in homeless adults than in the general population (National Coalition for the Homeless, 2009. It was reported that there were about 40,000 regular intravenous drug users in Georgia in 2009. Thus, the availability of drugs in Georgia is 1.5%, which is 2.5 times greater than in Europe (Otiashvili, 2012).

Rationale of the study

The study is conducted is to provide concerned authorities with the appropriate information regarding the various drugs used illegally in relationship with homelessness, attitudes attributed to them and the problems of African American homeless adult males in Atlanta who are the nations' racial/ethnic minority of the total population (U.S. Bureau of the Census, 20001a). The material presented in this research has been collected from the recent reports and from the studies conducted in this reg ard. Mostly, data resources are SAMHSA, National Health Institute Drug Abuse Department and the U.S. Bureau of the Census which have been doing a comprehensive research on the prevalence of drug abuse with special reference to homelessness, social discrimination, health disparities and other harmful consequences of illegal drug use in African American population (U.S. Bureau of the Census, 20001a).

Race and Ethnicity

It is pertinent to address the meaning of race and ethnicity to analyze cause and effects of substance abuse in homeless people of Atlanta. Research and analysis show that it is no longer acceptable that races are emphatically diverse human ...