An Effective Teaching Approach In Mathematics

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An effective teaching approach in mathematics

An effective teaching approach in mathematics

This paper focuses on the importance of mathematics in the life of an individual, and also stresses upon the various teaching approaches that teachers must use in teaching mathematics as more than a concept. The paper discusses the importance that mathematics has for everyone, rich, poor, educated and even the ones who are not educated. It speaks of mathematics as the most basic and fundamental domain that is needed by almost every individual in life, and one can't be successful in whatever activities he do, if he doesn't make use of the basic mathematical concepts.

Importance of mathematics

Mathematics is that field of analytical sciences, which relates to the study of topics pertaining to space, structure, change and numbers. There are many views among the philosophers and mathematicians regarding the actual definition and scope of mathematics. Mathematics have made life a lot easy for the researchers, philosophers and all those who seek to solve different problems pertaining to their field of sciences, (Slavin, 2009). Mathematics is mostly logic, and this simple logic can be used for solving problems and explaining different ideas and theories. It helps us understand the very concept of life. It helps us in calculating various things that have made our life a lot easier. Mathematics helps us uncover the truths of the universe. The reasoning associated with mathematics provides us with the predictions regarding the nature, (Lerman, 2001). With the aid of logic and abstraction mathematics was developed from calculation, counting and measurement, (Stein, 1997). Apart from this, it was developed from the systematical study of various motions of objects and shapes. Practically speaking, mathematics that deals with the day to day science has been an essential part of the human activities. This can be proved by the various records that were found to date back when the first records were written. Research that is associated with solving mathematics issues and problems can take many years of inquiry.

Mathematics has more to do with doing, rather than just knowing the mathematical concepts. Mathematicians and students of mathematics realize the significance of the basic mathematical concepts, even though the mathematical assessments of the students are based largely on the procedures. Tests that require procedures would have only been accurate, if mathematics meant just understanding it as a subject. However, this is not the case. The relationship that exists between the conceptual and procedural knowledge is very dynamic and complex in nature, (Soifer, 2009).

Work done in the field of mathematics education, recently has largely laid its focus on the teaching of the concepts only. Not great importance have been laid to the procedures, as it is widely assumed by many that that the ability of the procedures will arise naturally, and the knowledge regarding the procedures doesn't go that far and is not even of great interest from the research point of view, as conceptual knowledge is.

Importance of Teaching Mathematics to individuals

Mathematics is one of the basic skills that ...
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