An Analysis Of A Case Study

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An Analysis of a Case Study


An Analysis of the Project's Structure and Management

There is a dispute in project participants when the buildings and bridges collapsed. The public interest diminishes when the failure and death injuries occurred. The injury of the people make the government irresponsible as this kind of disasters occurred in the city. This kind of injuries lead to the result of project failure and the precautions would be taken as this kind of incidence could not be occurred again in future (Charret, 2008, pp. 4-10).

The government had cooperated with the private firm and provided adequate funds for establishing the bridge. In the construction of the bridge the engineers were actively engaged in the construction process. It was identified that the design and supervision is done by the authority. They had constructed the bridge according to engineers design. The engineers and the royal commissions were identifying the reasons behind the collapse of the bridge (Charret, 2008, pp. 4-10).

The Royal Commission had identified the reasons behind the collapse of the bridge and he was of the view that the arrangements of the bridge were improper. The responsibility of the engineers was questionable. According to eh Royal commission much seriousness should be placed when there is a construction of the bridge as to save the citizen. This was a great disaster that took place. The mistake was done on the part of JHC engineers and FF&P staff members as they should be have been removed the communication gap. They have to discuss the clauses in the contract and construction of the bridge as to avoid harmful incidences (Charret, 2008, pp. 4-10).

It was also identified that there were time and cost issues in the construction for the bridge. Cost is the first and foremost factor in the field of construction. There were financial limits on the cost as due to this reason the material that was used in the construction of the bridge may be substandard and not meeting the exact requirements of the engineers. It was identified that there was time and urgency factor that had effected the construction for the bridge. The morale of the engineers and the staff was lowered due to the time pressure and urgency. It was identified that they had borrowed the capital for the company and the delay in financial issues had disturbed their construction planning and they were force to keep the work ongoing besides facing these serious issues (Charret, 2008, pp. 4-10).

There were issues of management in the construction of the bridge. The contractors and the management had to do proper communication before beginning this kind of construction work. There is flaw on the part of management and constructor both as they have to look after this serious issue. The lack of resources was the major cause of this destruction. The availability of the resources should be planned on the first priority. It was also identified that there was deficiency in ...
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